Page 11 of Edith's Orc

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Chapter Five


If I thought it was creepy following a human sized insect, trailing him down into the dark is far worse. Fortunately, his muddy brown energy signature brightens with a red tinge and looks as clear as day. I can tell where he’s going easily. When he descends some stairs, I watch in fascination as his multiple legs race in tandem. So fucking weird!

When we reach the bottom, a series of hisses and clicks staccato through the air, floating out around his murky aura. I wonder if the brown energy means the same for his kind as for humans. Everyone I’ve met with brown in their aura was greedy. Specifically, I’ve never seen an entirely brown aura. Just parts of them on humans, but both of the Ropors had almost completely brown surrounding them in their energy field.

“Your male Orclan is called Cal. We don’t have high hopes that he’ll be interested in you.”

“Why is that?” Why would they be putting me with him? They made it sound like there were a lot of Orclans to choose from. Why him?

The Ropor keeps walking, making me have to run to keep up with him. “Because until Luc, he was our best. The strongest we had here, and it makes sense to give the most powerful mates. Not only have they earned it, they also have the potential to be even stronger.”

I’m surprised by his honesty. But basically what he’s saying is, in addition to breeding powerful competitors, mating will be a reward. Fucking great.

My thoughts race, bouncing from my childhood traumas around all the fights I’ve witnessed to exactly how much I don’t want to be here. At all.

Sure, I put up a brave face, but this is petrifying. I remember the cages of wild animals at the fight club my father took part in. Cockfighting and dogs were used too, lined up in pens. Most were sad or angry. They certainly weren’t pets.

Will this Orclan be like that? Just what have I gotten myself into?

There’s no warning when an opening appears on the left of me. Unless I want to touch the Ropor, it’s the only way I can go. Carefully, I step into the room expecting... something. I don’t know what. An introduction at least, but the door slides shut behind me, and I’m left standing, staring into the dark.

I can see a faint outline of him at least twenty feet away, and from here his energy is purple. Normally, purple is rare. It means the person is intuitive to a certain extent. Like me. My aura is predominantly lavender.

His large shape across the room climbs to his feet, and I watch him turn. Glowing green eyes as bright as a traffic signal pierce the dark all around me. He freezes as his gaze strokes my skin like a physical hand, and goosebumps break out on my skin.

I’m at a loss. What should I do? Straightening my spine, I’m determined to show as little fear as possible. What’s the worst that can happen?

Oh, yeah. He could kill me. There is that.

Even so, I manage a calm, “Hello. I’m Edith.”

My voice almost breaks on my name as I watch him move silently closer. Studying the surrounding energy, I notice the purple is so dark because it’s tinged with black, and a dull red and gray flits around it. As he gets closer, I hear him sniffing, sliding along the room’s left side.

Since it’s clear he’s not going to talk, I decide I will. I know I need to make myself more... human to him. So he hopefully doesn’t just kill me for ending up in his space.

“I-I’m Edith. From Earth. Did they tell you I was coming?”

Cal’s within a foot now, and I remind myself to keep my eyes down. I don’t want to inadvertently challenge him or something. When he doesn’t answer, I let myself drop back onto the door, putting some more space between us, watching as his purple energy flickers with red and black.

Even though there’s no light source in the room, I can still tell exactly where he is. He leans forward again, sniffing the air between us.

For the first time, I can smell him. A deep musk with a tinge of sage. One of my favorite scents.

His eyes close, shutting off the iridescent green of his piercing gaze. The air around him shifts from red to pink and black to gray. The mottled design swirls with each inhale and exhale. Then his eyes snap open, zeroing in on me again.

He crouches down, making a half growl, half purr while I hold my breath, waiting for it to translate. There’s nothing to do but take in his enormous body. He isn’t naked, which is a relief. We did just show up in his room. As far as I could tell, the Ropor didn’t knock or ring a bell.

Large hands settle onto his thighs as he crouches down in front of me. His green eyes stay locked onto mine. From this distance, I can make out a darker green pupil dilating in his eyes. They’re really beautiful.

Cal’s movements are like lightning, plucking me from the ground as I yelp. The air disappears from my lungs as he crushes me to him. I’m plastered from my shoulder to hip. My rubber legs are dangling above the ground as he marches across the room.

Stiff as a board, I stare straight ahead at the rock-hard, muscular chest. My arms reach up, pressing against him to keep some distance between our bodies, but it’s futile. In a few seconds, I can tell we’ve moved into another room.

He’s already lowering me to the ground, and I realize I’m reluctant to release him. It’s unnerving to be abandoned in the middle of a pitch black room. I can’t see much.

But when he commands, “Take off your coverings,” I cross my arms on my chest, indignation bubbling up.
