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“It’s okay. It’s all such a mess, I can’t blame you.” I glanced at him tearfully. “Was he really going to give up his life? For me?”

Silas turned the ring box over and over in his hand. “I think it’s more that youarehis life, Faith. He’s only going to be truly happy wherever you are. But his nephew needs him now and he can’t make the same kind of move. That little boy’s life has been upheaved in the worst way, and his well-being needs to come first.”

“It does,” I said, fresh tears for what Kaleo had lost rushing to my eyes. “Asher will protect him. Because that’s what he does. He protects people. It’s in his DNA.”

“Including you.” Silas touched my hand. “Look, I was an expert at pushing people away for a lot of years, thinking it was better forthem.I recognize the move when I see it. Asher drove you away because he thinks that’s best for you. To protect you from having to give up your life for him. That’s it. No other reason.”

“He told me…” Tears choked my throat. “He told me I don’t belong in Hawaii. That I’m too spoiled and materialistic and…”

“Ah yes, the old break-their-heart-so-they-hate-you-and-move-on-faster maneuver. Oldest trick in the book.”

“I don’t know, Si. It felt pretty real.”

“I can imagine. But you didn’t see the man come to me with this box in his hand. Nervous as hell. More than nervous. I’ve never seen him so…vulnerable?” He made a face. “Ugh, I hate that word. Don’t tell Max I used it, or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

A laugh tried to burst through my tears. “I’m trying to picture my big, strong firefighter being nervous about anything.”

“He was a mess,” Silas said. “But I don’t blame him. There was a lot on the line. You, babe. You’re pretty damn important.”

I sat back, absorbing everything. “What do I do now?”

Silas shot me a look. “Do you really have to ask?”

I stared another moment, feeling everything inside me alter and shift around, making space, making adjustments…falling into perfect place. My chest felt warm and full—fuller than it ever had—and twanged with electric nerves. With excitement, fear of the unknown, and more than anything else, my own vulnerability, naked and raw.

“I’ve never felt this way before. Not for any man.” I huffed a breath. “I don’t like it.”

Silas laughed. “Yes, you do. You love it. You lovehim.”

“No, I don’t,” I said and continued before Silas’s shocked reaction could take hold. “I’m completely, madly, hopelessly in love with him. And even saying that doesn’t feel like enough.”

The wordalohaflitted across my thoughts.

“Hello. Goodbye.” Momi shook her head. “There is no equivalent in English that captures such profound emotion.”

“Yes, that,” I murmured and wiped my tears. I looked over to see Silas watching me with heavy eyes.

“I’m going to miss you,” he said.

“Holy shit, this is happening, isn’t it?”

“Apparently so.”

I threw my arms around his neck and held him tight. I clung to him and waited for the wild moment to pass. For the love to let go and release me back to my normal life.

It didn’t. I knew it never would. And worse, I didn’t want it to.

Silas held me tight, and I sniffled into his chest. “You’re wrong, by the way,” I said.

“Me? Never. What about?”

“You said that you’re the next best thing. You arethebest thing, Silas. I love you so much.”

“Love you too.” He pulled back to meet my eyes. “And for what it’s worth, when Asher asked for my blessing, I gave it. Which is not something I’d give to any schmuck who comes around and tries to take my best girl. He’s a good guy, Faith. One of the best.” He smiled fondly and turned his wedding band around on his finger. “I would know. I have one too.”

The idea that I could have something as beautiful and real as what Silas had with Max stole my breath.

“You think I still have him?” I asked, my voice cracking. “Truly?”
