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“Thanks, Asher. I appreciate it.”


I stepped outside to call Paula Harold, who lived in Kapa’a. Fortunately, she was home and happy to help.

“What are you doing, Asher?” Paula teased. “Personalized tourist care packages?”

“Ha ha.”

She laughed. “Be there in fifteen.”

I hung up and reentered the condo.

“Paula’s on her way,” I told Faith and then made another ice pack to store in the freezer. Job done, I stood in her living room feeling awkward and stupid. Two feelings I wasn’t used to having. “I’m going to take off. I have…plans.”

I was having dinner with my brother and his wife, but it sounded like I had a date. Faith read it that way too.

“If you must,” Faith said with a flirty smile that didn’t quite touch her eyes.

“You going to be good?”

“Me? Never.”

“I meant—”

“I know what you meant. I’ll be fine. I’m going to order some food, sleep early, and organize a flight home tomorrow.”

Disappointment nipped at me but what else could she do?

Without someone helping her…

I cut that thought off at the root. I wasn’t about to waste my four days off playing nurse to some tourist. Nothing could come of…whatever I was feeling at that moment. Faith was going to leave eventually, whether I helped salvage her vacation or not.

“Shoo.” She waved a hand. “There are other damsels in distress waiting for you to save them. And I have your number if I need you again.”

“I didn’t give you my number…”

“911?” She arched a brow at me. “You walked right into that one, Asher Mackey.”

Christ, she’s turning my brains to mush.

Paula poked her head in. “Someone call for a mobile sponge bath?” she asked, making Faith laugh and putting her at ease.

While the women got acquainted, I made my escape. I’d intended to take off but got as far as my Jeep and then leaned against the hood, scrolling through my phone.

Paula emerged forty-five minutes later. “That Faith is a hoot. It’s a shame about her foot. She had her whole trip ahead of her.”

“Yeah, well, shit happens.”

“Indeed.” Paula was a mom of four teenage boys. Consequently, not much bullshit got past her. “But her ankle’s not all that bad. Grade One, I’d say. Give her a week and she’ll be hobbling around like a champ.” She tapped a finger to her chin thoughtfully. “If only someone were around to help her through the hard parts.”

I coughed, hearing my own thoughts read back to me.

Paula laughed at my flummoxed expression and keyed the locks to her Camry. “Do I have to spell it out for you, Mackey?”

“Goodbye,Paula,” I said and opened my Jeep’s door.

Her smile dropped. “Wait…you’re leaving?”

“You got her situated?”

“Yes, but—”

“Then she doesn’t need me anymore.”

I flashed her a tight smile and slid behind the wheel. The engine was loud as I tore away from Pono Kai, putting the condos in my rearview.

What I needed—orwanted—could stay there too.
