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I shrugged. “So I let them believe it. To make them happy.”

Asher seemed like he was about to reply and then didn’t. I struggled to get the cap off the tea, and he was still watching me, a strange expression on his face.



Wordlessly, he reached over, took the tea from me, popped the cap, and handed it back.

“I’ve kept you all day,” I said at four o’clock when we were back at the condo. Asher made me another ice pack while I took up my spot on the couch.

“Are you going to be okay for dinner?” he asked, settling the ice over my foot.

I grinned, fighting the urge to put my finger in the little crease between his furrowed brows. “If I can’t handle ordering one dinner, there’s no hope for me.”

“Don’t let the delivery guy in,” he said. “Tell him to leave it outside the door and don’t get it until he leaves.”

Asher’s protectiveness brought back that warm feeling in my chest. One that I wasn’t familiar with but could definitely get used to if I let myself.

“I will, I promise,” I said. “You’re the only one allowed to barge in unannounced.”

Asher seemed to think about smiling but changed his mind. “Do you need anything else?”

“Nope. I’m just peachy.”

“You sure? Because—”

“I’m good,” I said. “You’ve already given up more of your day than you were supposed to.”

“I don’t do anything I don’t want to, Faith.”

Lord have mercy…

I waved my hand. “That’s enough of your masculine gallantry for today, firefighter. A gal can only take so much and keep her clothes on.”

“Christ, woman…” He rubbed his hands over his face and went to the door.


He stopped. “Yeah?”

“Thank you.” I cleared my throat, my usual flirty façade replaced by genuine gratitude. “Today was a good day.”

His answering smile was softer than I’d ever seen him wear. “Yeah, it was.”

Then he stepped out and locked the door behind him.
