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“What’s to discuss? She’s going back to her life in Seattle and I have my life here.”

“Maybe you could work something out. Fly back and forth—”

“How many times?” I demanded. “And to what end? I hate big cities. She hates isolated islands. There’s nowhere for this to go.”

“Yeah, but—”

“But nothing. It’s over. Stupid to get involved in the first place.”

“I disagree. I’ve never seen you this worked up over a woman. You and her together…” He shrugged. “I like it.”

So did I. Which was the entire fucking problem.

“I’m going to say hi to Kal.”

I turned and strode toward the bouncy house that was a big red square with a clown smiling maniacally on the front. Kaleo was one of half a dozen kids being tossed around by the inflated floor and bouncing off the inflated walls.

I care about him,I thought, waving as my nephew caught sight of me. He waved back, a little flurry of his hand.He’s important. Morgan and Nalani and Cap and the guys…my fucking life here is important.

But as I watched Kal bounce up and down, I realized my life had felt about the right size until I got a distress call at Ho’opi’i Falls Trail. Now it was full of empty space. Space I wanted to fill with more.

With her.

I shoved that thought away. If my past had taught me anything, it was that wanting too much was fucking dangerous. Being in control at all times was the only way to stay safe, and around Faith I had no control. My feelings ran rampant. I did things and said shit I wouldn’t normally say. I knew better.

I glanced over my shoulder. Distantly, I made out Faith sitting with Morgan and Nalani and her eighty-two-year-old grandmother in her wheelchair, made frail by arthritis.

You and her together…I like it.

“Fuck me,” I muttered and scrubbed a hand over my face.

“It’s only noon and you’re at a kids’ carnival,” said a soft voice. “How bad can it be?”

I looked to see Chloe Barnes, Kal’s teacher, standing in front of me. Her brown hair was up, and she wore a sundress and a bright smile.

“Oh, hey, Chloe. Sorry. I’m just…thinking out loud.”

“It’s okay. Want to talk about it?”

Chloe was twenty-four, pretty, and single, which, on this tiny island, had always made her a prime candidate in Morgan’s eyes to break me out of bachelorhood. But while I liked Chloe for being so good with Kal, I’d never entertained the idea of starting something with her. Having a one-night stand with my nephew’s third grade teacher would put me firmly in lowlife territory and I wasn’t interested in a commitment.

You sure about that?I thought and my gaze itched to find Faith.

“Nah. I’m good,” I said finally. “I was just going to—”

“Uncle Ash! Miss Barnes!” Kaleo ran up and threw his arms around Chloe’s waist.

She laughed and knelt down to speak eye to eye. “Aloha, Kal. Having fun?”

“The best!” He looked to me. “Mama said she has more tickets for me. Let’s go! You too, Miss Barnes.”

I chuckled at his manic, sugar-fueled energy. “Come here, dude.” I lifted him up on my shoulders and wrapped my arms around his legs. Chloe smiled softly and walked close beside me.

“You’re so good with him,” she said. “How have you been? It’s been a while.”

“I’ve been busy. Long shifts.”

“I’m always available to swing by with something to eat,” she said. “Something homecooked. Don’t want you always resorting to fast food when you’re working.”
