Page 19 of Package Deal

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"I'm on my camping trip, and I'm not cutting it short," I said.

“Look, I get it, this is important to you, but she specifically said she wants you to install the security system,” Mince answered.

“She’s going to have to get over it.”

"Okay, okay," Mince said. "I'll send Ryan."


I hung up, ready to go look for Vera and hopefully get back to what we had started. Damn, that girl knew how to kiss.

My phone rang again. I answered it with a “What do you want now?” Because seriously, I only needed three days, and Mince started blowing up my phone on day one.

"Hey, son. How are you?" Dad’s voice answered, his words slurred.

"I'm busy right now." Busy trying to avoid phone conversations, especially the ones involving my dad.

"Busy? On a weeknight? Where are you? A party?"

"Chilling with my fiancée, and I have to go now. Bye."

"You have a fiancée? Who?"

"None of your business," I answered.

"Okay, but tell her hi for me," he said. “How is Glen doing? Is he okay after that concussion?”

I almost hung up on him until I heard that. Of course, rumors spread like wildfire in small towns, so Dad would know the exact damage he had done.

“He’s doing great, no thanks to you.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure his head is okay. You know how head traumas can be for memory loss.”

What? “Go sleep it off, and don’t bother calling me back.”

I hung up and got to my feet. Memory. Why was Dad worried about Glen’s memory?

Fighting the urge to call Mince back and ask him for the hundredth time what exactly had happened the night he got Glen away from my dad and to the hospital, I hid the phone deep in my pocket. There was nothing new he could tell me.

Calling Vera's name, I walked further into the woods. And there she was, sitting on the ground, her back against a tree, her knees pulled up to her chest, her eyes on the leaves under her feet.

“Hey, darling,” I said.

She blushed as her eyes met mine. “I’m sorry about the kiss. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Don’t be. It’s the best thing that happened to me today.” I sat down next to her, enjoying the quiet.

“Work again?” she guessed.

“Yeah. And then I accidentally answered Dad’s call.”

“That bad, huh?”

She tilted her head slightly, letting the light from the setting sun kiss her cheek, painting it orange, illuminating freckles on her nose. Weird that I hadn’t noticed those freckles before. They looked cute as hell.

“Yeah, he sounded drunk. No surprises there,” I answered. “Then he asked about Glen’s memory, which is way weird.”
