Page 48 of Package Deal

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Iwoke up in the hospital to the sound of quiet voices outside. The morning sun was just peeking through the blinds, illuminating the room.

Oh, fancy. I had a single. And I was up in the med surge unit, so it couldn’t be that bad. Right?

The door swung open, revealing my two favorite men, Sean and Glen, carrying a tray of coffee and bagels.

“Hey, you’re awake,” Sean said, bending over to kiss my forehead. “How are you feeling?”

“Alive,” I answered, then tried to take a few deep breaths. No problem breathing. The pain was minor, but I was probably drugged up, and I always had high pain tolerance. “What’s the damage?”

“They won’t tell me. Privacy and all that.” His fingers brushed against mine. “Kinda makes me wish we were married, so they’d tell me something useful.”

“I wouldn’t mind an older sister,” Glen said, sitting on the chair in the corner, pretending not to watch me and Sean.

“You scared the crap out of me.” Sean lifted my hand and kissed my fingers. “I don’t want to lose you.”

The nurse walked in with a bright smile and a chart. “How are you feeling on this fine, fine day?”

“Like I got stabbed,” I answered, then wiggled my fingers at the chart.

The nurse let me have it. I flipped through, looking at the last assessment, then at the notes. The shoulder wound wasn’t deep. The abdominal wound had been operated on, but there wasn’t much damage. Just a sliced-up intestine to account for that smell.

“Looks like I’ll live.” I took the meds the nurse had for me.

“How would you rate your pain on the scale of one to ten?” the nurse asked.

“Three,” I answered, flipping to the part of the chart with medications. I hadn’t had narcs yet, but they had been prescribed. There was a good chance some meds from the surgery were still in my system, so I might need something stronger than ibuprofen, but I was good for now.

As soon as the nurse finished her assessment, I turned to Sean with the question that was more important than this stab wound. “What happened to your dad?”

“Arrested for breaking and entering, assault, attempted homicide and investigated for Mom’s murder. I doubt we’ll see him anywhere besides the courthouse.” Sean took my hand in his again, kissing it, then holding it to his chest. “He doesn’t matter.”

I looked at Glen in the corner, one leg under him as he pretended to watch TV on silent.

“How are you feeling?” I asked him.

Glen smirked. “Terrible. I almost lost my favorite tutor, and now this dumbass,” he waved at Sean, “won’t get to the point and ask you to stay with us.”

“I was getting to it,” Sean grumbled before giving me his widest grin yet. “Your stuff is already at our house, and you’ll need someone to take care of you while you’re healing.”

“You’re supposed to tell her you love her,” Glen interjected.

“And I love you,” Sean said. “When Dad attacked you, I was driving home, thinking how to tell you that, but I guess I should’ve let Glen do all the talking for me.”

I laughed, causing the pain in my abdomen to flare up. Sean pressed an extra pillow to my stomach, helping with the pain.

“So.” Sean took my hand again, his thumb gliding over my knuckles. “I would love for you to stay with me. Or we can try doing what normal people do and date. Whatever you want.”

“Whatever I want?” I asked. Whatever wisecrack I had died on my lips. What I really wanted was to have Sean and Glen in my life. “Fine, but we’ll need a bigger closet. I’m too lazy to go up and down the stairs every time I need clothes.”

“Deal,” Sean agreed. “Give me a few months, and I can build an addition to our bedroom for a giant walk-in closet.”

“Can we pretend the shirt I was wearing was my favorite, so I can demand a whole new wardrobe?” I asked. “But this time, you pick what to replace it with? Because that night sky dress was gorgeous.”

“Anything you want,” Sean answered. “I’d do anything for you.”

I smiled, feeling warm and content. Until the door to my room opened, and my sisters rushed in. Maybe I wasn't perfectly content yet. Those two needed to find someone worth their time. Although, maybe Ljuba already had, judging by how she and Mince had acted at Glen's birthday.

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