Page 55 of Just for You

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I sippedmy soda and peered at Manic, who was watching me from across the table.

He hadn’t looked away from me since we sat down, except when the waitress came by to take our order. Cash had flown us back to Hank and Birdie’s place earlier that day. And after a round of goodbyes, we’d ridden on the ATVs to Manic’s truck. We were now three hours into the trip home and had stopped for a late lunch.

I thought about our morning, how Manic had woken me, and shivered.

“What’re you thinking about?”

Of course, he didn’t miss it. “Nothing.”

He smirked. “You sure you don’t want to share?”

“Positive.” He had me in a state of constant arousal. I’d wanted him before we’d hooked up that first time. After that night, I’d seriously wanted him again, but now, yeah, I had a total Manic addiction. I shifted on my seat. My rear was still tender, and every time I felt a little twinge, my pussy ached in the best way.

He sat back, his hands resting on the table, that hot gaze not moving from me. “You wanna know what I’m thinking?”

“Nope,” I said, and my belly got all swirly and shivery. The man had a dirty mouth and did not hold back. And I was not prepared for him to unleash that here, not in this diner where we couldn’t do anything about the way he was making me feel.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “I’m thinking how soft and fucking cute you were this morning.”

I blinked.

Um…that was not what I’d expected him to say. Why were my palms suddenly sweaty? “I was?”

He nodded. “You were warm and naked and plastered to me all night, making these little breathy noises, squirming.” His eyes hadn’t left mine, and he made a satisfied rumbling sound. “Ass in my hands, tits against my chest, nipples tight. I wanted to snuggle with you and fuck you at the same time.”

I squeezed my legs together, the ache there building. I didn’t know how to reply because I’d liked everything he’d said. A lot. Too much. “It can totally be done. It’s what’s aptly known as a snuggle-fuck, just FYI.”

His eyes danced. “Sounds about right.”

“I didn’t think hardened bikers said snuggle,” I said instead of all the things flying around my head. Like,I’ve never slept as well as I have the last few nights pressed against you.

He said nothing at first, that gaze studying me way too intently. “You just learned something new.”


The intensity upped a notch. “How’s your ass feeling today, Addison?”

He knew exactly what he was doing, what he was doing to me, using my full name like that. “Stop it.”

“Stop what?”

“Using your sex voice on me. We’re in a diner.”

His eyes danced. “My sex voice?”

I rolled my eyes. “You know what I’m talking about.”

“You saying the way I’m talking is affecting you?”

I swallowed. I couldn’t help it, and he laughed darkly.

“You squeezing your thighs together under the table, cupcake?”

I sipped my soda again and held his gaze. Two could play at this game. “Yes, and I’m pretty sure if I keep squeezing I could get myself off this way.”
