Page 56 of Just for You

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I nodded. “I’m still sensitive from this morning. I don’t think it’d take much.”


“You want to know what I was thinking before? I was remembering the way you held me down, after you’d spanked my ass until it was hot and throbbing, then slid inside me so deep I screamed.”

“Addison,” he warned. There was gravel in his voice.

“What?” I stood. “I guess we should probably leave.”

“Sit down,” he said, or more like groaned.

I grinned. “Is there a problem, Levi?”

He growled and actually looked in pain. “You know what you did, woman. After that little performance, my dick’s hard enough to hammer nails. I stand up now, everyone here’s gonna get a show.”

I laughed and took my seat again. “Payback’s a bitch, huh?”

“You do realize we have another night together before we get home, cupcake. You think your ass is tender now?”

I sucked in a breath, and he did that dirty laugh again. “There’s still a few things I haven’t done with you yet. Suddenly my creative juices are flowing.”

My face heated. There were juices flowing all right.

Manic cursed.


“You think you’re hiding it, but I can read on your beautiful face everything that you’re thinking.” He leaned forward, looking pained. “Tell me how wet you are, baby.”

“I don’t think I should.”

“Tell me.”


His eyes drifted shut and he sucked in several breaths. “Yeah, I shouldn’t’ve asked.”

“You’ve made the situation”—I motioned in the general direction of his groin—“worse, haven’t you?”

His eyes were still closed and his cheeks above his beard were pink. “Oh yeah.”

I tried not to smile, but it was impossible. “That will teach you to mess with me in public.”

His eyes opened. “It’s all good. I just need to—” His hand dipped under the table, and his nostrils flared as he adjusted himself.

Now I couldn’t stop thinking about him with his hand wrapped around that monster in his pants, and I was squirming in my seat again. “This is freaking ridiculous. We’re totally out of control. Someone needs to throw a bucket of cold water over us.”

He paused, looked at me, then threw his head back and laughed. Deep and rumbly and utterly gorgeous. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Finally, he got it under control, but he was still grinning. “That’s what happens when two people have chemistry.”

“So you’ve felt this kind of, um…connection before?” The words were out before I could shut myself up.

He studied me for a moment. “Nah, baby. Never like this.”

We hadn’t talked about the whys of what we did in bed, the spanking, the control. Manic’s brand of kink. I’d never done anything like it before, but I was positive he had. “Have you been with other women you’ve…um, spanked?”

He didn’t break eye contact. Yeah, he’d done this before, and he wasn’t ashamed of it. Not that he should be, but this was all new to me.
