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As they walked through the tables, several people greeted the men and asked them if they wanted to join them. They politely declined.

When they got to the table, Sawyer let Angie slide in first so she was in the middle. He and Rock sat on either side of her with Hunter sitting beside Rock. The waitress came right over and greeted them. Rock explained they were waiting for one more person, and she went to get water for all of them.

Angie picked up the menu and started looking at it. “Everything looks so good,” she commented.

“It is. They have nightly specials, too. I’ll have Marge bring those. How about an appetizer while we decide?” Rock said, signaling the waitress.

Angie nodded and Rock ordered several things for them to munch on while they waited.

It was a few minutes later when River came in. “I had to park in the alternate lot down the street. It seems everyone is here tonight. I got stopped three times trying to find you all.”

Marge walked up with the first of their appetizers and set them on the table then took their drink orders. Angie ordered an iced tea to go with her meal. “I don’t drink a lot, but I’ll have something later when we’re dancing.”

“Sure thing, sugar, whatever you want. Tonight’s all about you,” Rock said and laid one big hand on her thigh.

They sat and chatted, getting to know each other better. Angle told the men more about her life in foster homes, and they told her about growing up in a home with nine children and how they all decided to be firefighters.

The owner of the bar, Sam, a retired firefighter, stopped by the table to greet them as did several other people, including several women all asking if the men would be dancing later.

“You're pretty popular around here, especially with the ladies.” Angie made a comment after a couple more women stopped by the table.

“I guess,” Rock said, his face a little red.

“We’re in here almost every weekend we have off,” River said, looking around as if seeing the place differently.

“I didn’t realize how many people we know that came in here,” Hunter said and stood to get out of the booth.

River followed him out and reached for Angie’s hand, pulling her out of the booth and onto the dance floor. When that song ended Hunter took his place, and soon she was dancing to every song, sometimes with one of the men and sometimes with more.

It was more fun than she’d had in a long time. After four or five dances she was thirsty and ready to sit for a few minutes. But first, she needed to visit the ladies’ room. Hunter walked her to the door and promised to wait for her. The rest of the men had gone back to the table to get fresh drinks for all of them and order some more munchies to have on the table.

When she came out, Hunter was leaning against the wall, and a tall thin redhead was talking with him and running one finger across his bicep. “I’ve missed you, lover,” Angie heard the woman say as she leaned in closer to him.

“Melanie, this is Angela,” Hunter said, moving away from the woman and reaching for her.

Angela let him pull her to stand beside him with his arm wrapped possessively around her shoulder.

“Angela, nice to meet you. Are you a friend of one of Hunter’s sisters?” the woman, Melanie, asked.

“No she’s a friend of ours,” Hunter said, as he started walking Angie back to the table.

“Nice seeing you. I’ll try and come by your table later for a dance,” Melanie called as they were walking away.

“We’ll be pretty busy with Angela. I don’t think we’ll have time for you tonight,” Hunter said and kept walking.

“That was a friend of yours?” Angie tried to sound casual. The woman was so much more than she was. She was a few years older and looked like she would know how to deal with four big sexy firemen. Something Angie wasn’t sure she knew how to do. She was so out of her league. What was she doing? Being with the guys was fun and all, but where could it go? She wasn’t going to marry and live with all four of them. Eventually, she would have to see sense and either make a decision or find someone else, or they would. Could she just have fun with all of them and not let her heart get involved?

Back at the table, she slid in and was glad to see that the guys had ordered more drinks and she had a fresh daiquiri sitting in front of her. She picked up the glass and took a huge gulp, drinking half of the drink in one go. She immediately felt the effects and reached for some of the chips that were sitting on the table.

“Are you okay, honey?” Rock asked in concern when he saw her down her drink.

“I’m fine,” Angie said, going in for another drink.

“Melanie was in the hall,” Hunter said as if that might explain Angela’s reaction.

Sawyer stood and grabbed Angela’s hand. “I think it’s my turn for a dance,” he said, pulling h

er onto the dance floor.
