Page 8 of Saving Lena

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“Yes, darling. If you were ours you would be spanked and probably often,” R.J. answered.

“Yours? You mean you two share women?” Her day was looking much brighter now. She wasn’t thinking about her rule of not dating anyone she worked with and how her last two experiences had turned out. She was thinking about what it would be like to be between these two men and the wicked things they would do to her body.

Hal spoke this time. “Baby, not only do R.J. and I share, but Mel joins in also. The three of us share women just like the brothers in your book.”

“Let me get this right. If I were interested in the three of you and you were interested in me, all three of you would share me. You would expect me to be enough for all of you.” Lena was aroused at the thought of lying with the three of them and she hadn’t even met Melvin Ashcroft yet.

“Mel, Hal, and I have shared the same woman before. Right now we’re not seeing anybody, but that could change very soon,” R. J answered, taking her chin and turning her away from Hal. He leaned in and brushed her lips with his very gently. “Think you’re up to the three of us, darling?” he asked, deepening the kiss.

When he broke the kiss, Lena asked, “The three of you would want to date me and well…the other stuff, too?” Lena couldn’t quite grasp what he was trying to tell her.

“Yes, we would want to date you, and if by other stuff you mean spank you, take care of your every want and need, and take you in every way a man can take a woman, then yes, that’s what we mean,” Hal answered.

“Think about it, Lena. Your body trapped between ours. One of us in your lovely little mouth, one buried balls-deep in that tight pussy of yours, and then there’s the third one. He’d have to bury his cock deep in your ass. We would all take you together, bringing you so much pleasure you couldn’t be sure your body could survive it. You would no sooner finish one orgasm than one of us would be giving you another. You would come in ways you never have before. After being with the three of us you would be spoiled for any other man. You would be ours forever.” R.J.’s voice was deep and smooth, like the finest chocolate.

Just the thought of what they were proposing was causing Lena’s body to tingle and she could feel the moisture gathering between her legs. What would it be like with the three of them? Could they do what they promised? “Punishment, you said something about being punished?” she asked, wondering if she was really considering this.

“Yes, darling, you would be punished. When you were bratty or mouthed off to one of us, we would flip you over our knee and bare that beautiful round ass and spank it until it was hot and red. If you were a good girl and took your punishment with class and dignity, we would reward you for good behavior,” R. J answered.

“But we would never punish you unless you knew the rules. We don’t want to hurt you and this is for you as much as it is for us,” Hal put in quickly. He wanted to make sure she knew they weren’t abusive.

“All three of you do this, Mr. Ashcroft, too?” It felt weird to be talking about doing something like this with someone she hadn’t even met. She’d just talked to Melvin Ashcroft over the phone but if he looked anything like he sounded, he would be as amazing as his two friends.

“Yes, sweetheart, Mel likes the same things we do. That’s what makes it easy for all three of us to share,” R.J. answered.

“Do you think he will like me, too? I mean…I think…I… Do you like me?” God, she was making a fool of herself. She should just shut up.

“Yes, Lena, R.J. and I like you very much. We know Mel will like you. He’s talked to you on your phone and he’s seen pictures of you. Mel already likes you. He can’t wait to meet you.”

“I guess I can’t wait to meet him either. So, say I wanted to try this thing, what would happen next?” Lena couldn’t believe she was really thinking of doing what she was talking about with three men, one of whom she’d never met.

“Mel will be back tomorrow. Why don’t you take until then to think about it?” R.J. suggested, taking a deep breath and wishing he could just fuck her and get it over with. He was going to have a problem sleeping tonight with the boner he had.

What the hell was R.J. doing? Hal couldn’t believe his friend, pal, and, for all practical purposes, brother, was telling the soft warm bundle of woman that was currently sitting on his lap, rubbing that delectable ass against his rock-hard cock, that they would wait until tomorrow and she could take all night to think about being with the three of them.

He wanted her now. He couldn’t even wait to get to the penthouse to take her. If he could he would take her right here. As usual R.J. was being the practical one. He was the one that kept the other two from going off the deep end. There had been lots of times that if not for R.J., Hal or Mel would be in jail or dead right now. R.J. was the voice of reason. And right now Hal didn’t like it at all. Mel wouldn’t either if he was there.

R.J. recognized the look Hal was giving him and gave him his I don’t give a shit what you think look back. They were going to give Lena some time to think this over and let her at least meet Mel before they started something with her. They’d known the woman all of four hours and he was not going to let her rush into something.

“Honey, if you have everything you need for a few days, I’m sure Thurston has finished his paper and coffee by now and is ready to leave. Let’s go get something to eat, then we will take you back to the penthouse and we can all try to rest for the night.” He knew he wouldn’t be getting any rest and by the look on Hal’s face he was in the same condition.

R.J. stood and handed Lena her e-reader, and then grasped her hand and helped her to stand up.

Hal stood and quickly adjusted his pants and shot R.J. another dirty look before putting a more pleasant look on his face and sliding one arm around Lena’s waist. R.J. may have given her the night to think things over, but if she snuck in his room during the night he wasn’t going to send her away.

Dinner was nice. The men told Lena stories of their days with the SEALs and how they all met and were on the same swim team together. She laughed and enjoyed getting to know them better. It was over too soon and they all went back to the penthouse. It was too early to go to bed. Although they all wanted the same thing Lena wasn’t going to start something with two-thirds of the trio. It didn’t feel right for her to do that.

They got back to the penthouse and Hal took Lena’s things back to the big bedroom. “This will be yours for as long as you stay with us,” he told her, setting her things down and standing in the doorway.

“Thanks. Umm, which room is yours?” she asked. She wasn’t sure she knew why she was asking but she wasn’t ready for him to leave the room.

“The second one on the left, R. J. has the first one and Mel’s is across the hall,” he explained, using his hand to indicate the door


There was one more door that was closed and when Lena had tried the knob earlier when she was exploring it was locked. She figured it was a guest room or something but didn’t ask.

Hal took a couple steps toward her and asked in a deep voice, dripping with sex, “Why did you want to know, baby? Should I leave my door open tonight and expect a visitor?”

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