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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Theresa worked at the Club the next three nights and while she was there Alan tended bar, giving Craig the night off or working with him.

On her third night at work, the alarm company called Alan. Someone was trying to break into the house.

Alan and Theresa rushed to the house only to find the cops there with Joe.

Taking Theresa by the hand, Alan led her up to the police car, where they already had Joe in custody.

“This is Ms. Gomez and this is her home, officer. Can you tell us what’s going on?” Alan spoke with the officers.

“We got notification from the alarm company that there was a disturbance here and we found this man trying to break in the house. He had gasoline and matches and we assume he was attempting to start a fire,” the officer explained.

“If the house burns, I get the insurance money, right?” Joe looked so pitiful that Theresa almost felt sorry for him, almost.

“No, Joe, everything is in my name. You don’t get anything,” she told him quietly.

“I’d be better off in jail, huh?” Joe just sounded pathetic.

Shaking her head, Theresa walked away, glad that Joe had been caught before anything had happened. Maybe he could get the help he needed now.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Alan had bought the ring while Theresa was shopping with Rachel, but hadn’t given it to her yet, wanting to make it special. He didn’t want to give it to her on a night she was working.

He planned a nice dinner and decided to take her out and give it to her on her next night off. He was getting impatient to see it on her finger.

Wednesday was Theresa’s night off and Alan couldn’t wait. They both dressed up for dinner, him in a suit and Theresa in a short black cocktail dress. Alan had made reservations and they were going down town for a nice dinner.

Lifting her up in the truck, he couldn’t resist kissing her. “I love you so much,” he whispered into her hair, then closed the door and got in the truck himself.

He drove to the restaurant and escorted her in. Their table was near the back, in a quiet corner, and Alan ordered for both of them. They both enjoyed their meal and everything was going well.

At the end of the meal, Alan pulled two boxes out of his jacket. One was a small ring box, and the other was longer, like a bracelet or necklace.

Handing her the long box first, he held her hands and said, “This is a collar. I want you to wear it and be my sub. If you agree we will have a collaring ceremony at the Club, but I couldn’t wait to give it to you. Theresa, will you wear my collar as a symbol of my dominance and your submission?” he asked, gazing into her eyes.

“Yes Sir, I want that very much. I will be your sub if you will be my master and teach me all I need to know,” she answered with tears in her eyes. She opened the box and inside was a thin chain of three gold strands braided together with a heart in the front. On the heart was the word “Mine” and the back said “Forever.”

“It’s beautiful, Sir, thank you. I’ll treasure it always.”

Alan could have gotten Theresa a fancier collar, but he knew from when they were looking online that she liked the plainer jewelry and didn’t want anything too ostentatious.

He took the smaller box and taking a knee looked up into her face, opening the box, he presented it to her with the words, “Theresa, will you marry me and be my wife? Will you live your life with me and have my children? In return I pledge to be there for you always and fulfill all your needs. Please say yes.”

Theresa was overwhelmed. She and Alan had been talking about marriage, but she hadn’t expected the collar yet. She was still very new in the lifestyle and had a lot to learn. With tears in her eyes, she looked at him and answered, “Yes, I’ll marry you and be your sub, Sir. Please be patient with me, I love you.” Wrapping her arms around him, she brushed his lips with hers, gently kissing him until he took over.

Alan ordered a bottle of champagne and dessert for them, and then he took Theresa home. They had a lot of plans to make and a future to look forward to.


Six months later

Theresa and Alan were very happy. They decided to put the house up for sale and build something of their own. They wanted a place to make their own memories and raise a family. The house held many good memories but Theresa was afraid as long as she owned it Joe would be back. Time to get on with her life. Besides, it wouldn’t be long before they needed more room. Their family was growing, and Theresa was pregnant.


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