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Once they finally finished in the shower, she put on one of Kurt’s shirts and they went to the kitchen to eat. The men showed her the rest of the house and pointed out the improvements they had made. They wanted to take her home long enough to get some fresh clothes and anything else she would need before Monday. She was spending the weekend with them, apparently she didn’t have a choice.

Tina really needed some time alone to think, but the men weren’t having any of it. She tried to talk them into leaving her at her house. She needed to look over the paperwork from the class and desperately wanted some time to herself. After arguing all morning, she finally put her foot down.

“Look, my car’s still at the Club and I want you to pick me up before the class, but if I don’t get some time alone, I’m going to blow a gasket. Drop me off at home for a couple hours and let me read through the class material for tonight while you guys go do your Dom thing. I promise I’ll be here when you come and get me. If I don’t get some time alone, I won’t be responsible for the con

sequences, and if you tell me I’m cute one more time, Kurt, you’ll get hurt.” She was so frustrated that she was almost crying.

Kevin could see her anxiety and knew they needed to give in. Every time she had tried to talk to them during the morning, Kurt had patted her on the head and said, “Isn’t she cute, bro?”

“Angel, we’ll drop you off and pick you up in a couple hours. If you need anything while we’re gone, call us.” Kurt finally gave in.

They took her home and both gave her lingering kisses at the door. You’d think they were going to be gone for a week instead of a few hours.

Tina no more than got in the house and changed her clothes when her phone rang. It was Kurt. “Just making sure you are okay, baby,” he said when she answered the phone.

“I’d be better if you’d leave me alone for a while. You promised to give me some time and you’re not doing that. Please don’t call until you’re ready to pick me up. I’ll be fine. I just want some time to think and read through the material for tonight.” These two were going to drive her batty.

“Okay, baby, you’ll call us if you need us?” Kurt sounded like a little boy who’d just been told he couldn’t play with his new favorite toy.

Tina took a deep breath and sighed. “Yes, I will call if I need you. I’ll be fine. I just want some time to think and can’t do that around you two.”

“I could get rid of Kevin if he’s bothering you,” Kurt offered.

Tina laughed and said, “Good-bye Kurt, I’ll see you in a little bit.”

She hung up the phone and grabbed the sheaf of papers from the class last night. It was hard to believe that it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours. So much had happened and she had so much to process.

She was sure that Mr. Stevens, or Rog, had raped her and taken her virginity. To find out that she was still a virgin was a big shock. All that wasted time crying and worrying about pregnancy. She had secretly bought several tests and taken them throughout that summer, sure she was pregnant. It was all her family could do to talk her into going to college.

Even though she had overcome all of the trauma with the help of her college counselor, she hated the thought of what might have happened and how different her life would have been. She may have dated more, she might have not left her home. She could have spent more time with her mother. All the things that would have been different.

She gave into her feelings and cried for a while, but that helped nothing. Getting up, she made herself a cup of hot tea and grabbed the material for tonight’s class. If she was going to continue the classes, she might as well know what she was up against. Although, she was sure, Kevin and Kurt would not let her fall behind.

Just thinking about Kevin and Kurt stirred up feelings she hadn’t allowed herself to have for a long time. She wanted more with these two, but it was soon, too soon. If she let her guard down, she could be hurt. She still wasn’t sure they weren’t just having fun with her.

Tina sat in her favorite chair with her tea and settled in to read the material for today’s classes, but she couldn’t get her mind off her men and what had happened the night before. Every time she started reading, she imagined their hands on her and what they would be doing if they were here. Just thinking about them had her squirming in her chair. And reading the class material made it worse. When she thought about Kevin and Kurt doing all those things to her…she almost picked up the phone and called them to come back and take care of her. But she couldn’t do that after the fuss she had made for them to give her some space.

She still had plenty of time before they were due to pick her up and wasn’t accomplishing much, so she decided to lie down and take a nap. She was tired from last night anyway.

Chapter Nine

Kevin had a hard time convincing Kurt to give Tina the space she needed. His brother had always been all or nothing and he definitely was all for Tina.

“Could we just go sit in front of her house until it’s time to pick her up? She doesn’t have to know we are there.” Kurt really didn’t want to leave Tina.

“No! We can’t stalk her, we have to give her space.” Kevin laughed at him. “Let’s go shopping, Craig and Alan are always taking their women to the fetish shop in town, let’s go check it out. Maybe we can find something for you to rip off our girl there.”

“Yeah,” Kurt answered, panting like a puppy, eyes wide open. This was something he could get into.

The men went shopping and picked up several outfits and new toys for their lady. They managed to kill an hour before they were ready to go back to their woman. “Do you think I should call and see how she’s doing?” Kurt asked. The man was obsessive.

“Kurt it’s only been an hour, I’m sure she’s fine. Let’s go get some takeout and we’ll take it back to her place. Then maybe we can get her to do a fashion show for us when I tell her how good you’ve been.” Kevin had to laugh at his brother. He hadn’t seen him like this with a woman in a long, long time.

“Yeah, fashion show, and maybe a striptease?” Kurt panted.

“You’re hopeless,” Kevin teased him.

“But you love me anyway, man. Do you think I should call and see what she wants to eat?” Kurt was looking for any excuse.
