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Because the classes were only on weekends, there was another class Saturday or later today, and Tina wanted to go home, shower, and be ready. She needed some time to herself.

“I really want to go home, please,” Tina implored Kevin. He was the less demanding of the two, maybe she could get through to him.

“Tina, go to sleep. We are all tired and have been through a lot tonight. We will talk about it later. If you need anything before the class, we will take you home then, but right now, good night.” Kevin answered her, and wrapping one arm around her, pulled her tight against him her back to his front.

“I wouldn’t argue with him, baby. Nobody’s won in a long time, he doesn’t have the best prosecuting record in the DA’s office for nothing.” Kurt then kissed her deeply and threw one leg over both of hers. She was firmly trapped between them.

Sighing, Tina wiggled until she was comfortable and rested back against Kevin. She might as well sleep, she wasn’t going anywhere for a while.

Chapter Eight

When Tina woke, she was in bed with Kurt, and he was wrapped around her like Christmas wrapping. She tried to untangle herself without waking him, but it wasn’t possible, and she had needs, bathroom needs.

“Where you going, baby?” he muttered sleepily.

“Bathroom,” she mumbled back.

“Hurry, I miss you,” he answered, rubbing his face against her back.

Tina leapt from the bed and went to do what she needed to. Finishing, she washed her hands and splattered water on her face, running her hands through her hair, trying to bring a semblance of order to it. When she was finished, she opened the door to find Kurt leaning against it, arms crossed in front of him, one leg bent over the other.

Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her back into the bathroom. “Shower.” He growled.

“Okay,” she answered. Kurt was apparently not a morning person.

He started the water and pulled her in with him. Taking her mouth with a bruising kiss, he released her and leaned back. “Mmmm…better than coffee. Hello.”

“Hi, you’re not much of a morning person are you?” she asked, smiling.

“If I get to wake up next to you every morning, I could be.” He smiled back at her.

“Where do you think your brother is?” she asked.

“Probably done with his run and on his way back. He runs every morning, he should be joining us in here any minute.”

Just then, the door burst open and a panting, naked Kevin joined them. “Thanks for starting the shower, bro. Did anyone make coffee?”

“We’ve only gotten this far, haven’t made it to the kitchen yet, you should have done that on your way up,” Kurt told him.

“Didn’t want to take the time. Couldn’t let you have our angel alone for too long,” Kevin answered him.

Tina stood, naked, under the running water, watching the exchange between the two brothers, and wondered how she had woken in an alternate universe. She must have been kidnapped by aliens during the night, ’cause this couldn’t be real. Maybe she was just dreaming.

Kevin stepped into the shower and grabbed her in his arms. “Hi beautiful, how are you this morning?” He leaned down and kissed her hard. “Much better,” he said.

“Baby, you look a little shell-shocked. Are you okay?” Kurt asked her, amused at her look.

“I was just thinking I must have woken up in an alternate universe or something, ’cause there is no way any of this is real,” Tina answered, still bemused.

Kurt grabbed her little hand and wrapped around his stiff, hard cock and said, “Does this feel real to you, baby?” stroking her hand up and down.

Kevin grabbed her other hand and wrapped it around him. “I’ve got one of those over here too,” he told her.

“See, bro? She was made for us, she can handle us both at the same time,” Kevin joked.

Rolling her eyes, Tina let go with both hands and placed her hands on her hips. “You are both off your rockers. I need coffee.” Or maybe something stronger, she thought, what time is it anyway? She had no idea what time it was and if she had time for food or anything else before they needed to be at the Club. She wasn’t worried about clothes. She was going naked to the class, no choice there.

Kurt pushed her under the shower spray and started washing her hair. Kevin started on her body and they both teased her until she couldn’t think again.
