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“Yes, please I want both of you at the same time, please.” Tina was so happy. They weren’t disappointed in her anymore and they both wanted her.

Kevin pulled her to straddle his hips, and Kurt moved in behind her. Soon they were both inside her. It wasn’t long before they all came with a scream that echoed off the mountains surrounding them.

Chapter Eighteen

Tina woke the next morning sandwiched between the two men. Kevin had each breast cupped in a hand, and Kurt was holding her ass cheeks. What a way to wake up.

Tina needed to get up, but didn’t want to move. She had no idea how she was going to move back home. It was incredible being with both men. They said they wanted her forever, but neither one had told her that they loved her. She had poured her heart out for them, and they had not reciprocated. Did they love her and were not ready to say it or were they just playing with her? How would she find out? Did she want to find out? Maybe she needed to see a therapist, she giggled to herself.

Snuggling back into Kevin, she tried to relax and go back to sleep, but the need to get up was too much. She tried to figure out a way to get up without waking her men, but there wasn’t.

Finally she gave in and started really struggling to get free. If she didn’t get up soon, it was not going to be pretty.

“Kurt, Kurt, you have to let me up,” she whispered frantically.

“Huh, what…what’s wrong, baby?”

“I need up. Now.” She pushed at him. Her need demanding now.

“Okay, Kev, Tina wants up, move man?” Kurt said, sitting up and moving so Tina could get up quickly.

“Huh, umph,” Kevin said as Kurt pushed at his shoulder to get him to let go of Tina.

The minute Kevin moved his hands, Tina was up and running.

“What?” Kevin asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

“Bathroom,” Kurt answered.

“Oh,” Kevin came back. Both men gave her a few minutes of privacy and when they heard the shower start, ran to join her.

After their shower and breakfast they packed up their things to go home. The boys want to take her shopping and were going to stop on the way home. They promised to take her to Aspen next time they came to the cabin, but today had other plans.

The shopping was great, and on the trip home Tina curled up against Kevin and slept. Kurt was driving and the men quietly talked while she was asleep.

“Did it come in yet?” Kurt asked Kevin.

“Yeah, I have it at home, it’s exactly as we ordered, both pieces. When do you want to do this?’

“I think we’ll go out for lunch and do it right before the last class so she can show off to everyone, what do you think?” Kurt asked.

‘So, tomorrow then, cool.” Kevin was smiling. They still had to tell her about her house, but now that he knew she was going to be moving in with them, it didn’t bother him as much. She’d been living with them anyway, giving her the ring and collar was just a formality.

Tina started to stir, so the men stopped talking. They needed to tell her about her house and the fact that everything she owned had been ruined.

When she was fully awake, they stopped for drinks and a quick break. When they got back into the truck, Kevin started the conversation. He was driving and Kurt had the job of calming her after he gave her the bad news.

“Angel, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but someone broke into your house,” he started.

“How bad was it?” she asked.

“Very bad. Someone poured blood all over everything,” Kevin told her gently.

“Everything? There’s nothing left.” She was in shock.

“Yes, angel, everything was ruined. They managed to salvage some pictures by cleaning them, but whoever did this opened drawers and your closet too. I have a crew trying to clean things, but I don’t know h

ow much we are going to be able to salvage.”
