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“Yes, I’m sure, you saw the evidence yourself. I was as surprised as you were after what she told us.”

“Are you going to tell her?” Kurt asked.

“I have to, I can’t keep that from her,” Kevin answered.


Kevin looked at him. “We’ll let her sleep a while, then I’ll wake her and tell her. You can have her after if she’ll let you.”

“Great, thanks, bro,” Kurt answered with a hint of sarcasm.

“Well, we have to tell her, and if you do her first, she could just get madder.”

“I know you get all the fun as the oldest.” Kevin was ten minutes older than Kurt.

“And all the responsibility.” Kevin laughed. The men settled down to watch their angel sleep and contemplate what possibilities the future held for the three of them.

Chapter Seven

The men let Tina sleep for a while, then Kurt slowly set about waking their woman. Brushing her hair out of her face, he swept his lips over her forehead, then gently pressed his mouth to hers, probing with his tongue.

Tina’s eyes popped open. Where was she? She was surrounded by warmth and a feeling of well-being. Everything felt right in the universe. She looked around and Kurt was kissing her, it must be Kevin on the other side, she thought, and melted into their embrace.

Kurt’s mouth left her and he said, “Welcome back, gorgeous. Did you have a nice rest?”

Tina nodded. Looking around, she asked, “Where are we, whose room is this?”

Turning her so that she was on her back, Kevin answered her, “It’s yours, angel, we hope you will share it with us.”

“Mine, how can I have a room in your house?” She asked bewildered.

“Kevin and I have always known that someday we would find the perfect woman, someone we could share our life with. We both feel you are that woman. I know it’s soon, but we want you in our life, we want to learn all your likes and dislikes, and we want to teach you all about us. We’ve known since we were young that we wanted to share a woman. I know it’s a lot to take in. Don’t say anything yet, just think about it,” Kurt said earnestly.

“I have something I need to tell you and it’s going to be a shock,” Kevin told her gently.

Shock, more than what Kurt had just said, she thought. What more could he tell her? That there was also another woman and they wanted to be a foursome? Maybe there were more brothers out there that would want to share her. She couldn’t be like the woman in the class. What did they call her? Penny, that’s right. She couldn’t wrap her mind around being with the two of them, how would she deal with more?

“Do you have more brothers, or is there another woman?” she asked quietly.

“No, after the two of us, Mom was done. She said it was all she could do to cope with us and our shenanigans, she didn’t want any more,” Kurt answered.

She told me told me it was because we took all her love,” Kevin came back. Tina sighed in relief, no more brothers to deal with, whatever the reason.

“Why did you want to know, baby?” Kurt asked.

“No reason,” Tina answered quickly.

“I think there’s a little more to it. Why did you ask, Tina? The truth?” Kevin lifted up on his elbow and looked down at her.

Well, shit, she was going to have to answer. “I just wondered if there were more like you two?” she answered.

“Is that all, baby? I don’t think that’s the only reason.” Kurt also leaned on one elbow, they were like bookends surrounding her.

Might as well spill the beans, they aren’t going to let this go. “You two are like a dog with a bone. I was thinking about Penny and her men and wondering if there were any more of you that want to share me.” She finally answered, she wasn’t going to ask about another woman, if either of them ever thought about another woman, she’d take that bitch out.

They both chuckled, and Kurt grabbed her chin and turned her head toward him. “We will never share you with anybody else. Nobody but the two of us will ever touch you. Do you understand?”Possessive much? “Yes, no sharing,” she answered.

“Now, I have something I need to tell you and I don’t want you to be upset,” Kevin said seriously.
