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“Tasha, I’m not going to argue. Let’s go.” She was still wearing his rain gear, and he just wanted to get in. He had clean, dry clothes in his locker and could change quickly before he started working.

“Okay, don’t get testy with me,” she smarted off.

Tim wished he had known her longer so he could smack that smart little ass. She was going to have to work on the attitude if she got the job as receptionist. Most of the Doms that came into the club would have her on the cross in no time if she smarted off to them.

Tasha slid ove

r and let him carry her into the club. As they approached, the door swung open, and there stood another very handsome man with a petite, very pregnant woman.

Rushing through the door to get them out of the rain, Tim then reluctantly set Tasha on her feet. He introduced her to Theresa and Alan. Alan also helped tend bar, and Theresa was his wife-sub and the current receptionist. Standing, Tasha was about the same size as Theresa, maybe a couple inches taller. He hadn’t gotten to see her standing until this moment.

“Oh my God, girl, you look frozen. Come with me. I have something that will fit you in my locker,” Theresa told her, grabbing her hand and leading her off before she got a chance to thank Tim. Looking over her shoulder as she was taken away, she smiled at him, hoping he understood.

Tim smiled back. “I’ll catch you later, darling. You make sure they bring you by the bar before you leave.”

Tasha nodded as Theresa pulled her away. For a pregnant woman, she could move fast when she wanted to.

Alan looked at Tim and laughed. “Go change, man. I’ve been drier coming out of a shower. I’ve got you covered until you’re ready. The place is dead because of the weather. Just you, Kyle, me, and Theresa here now, and your little lady. She’s very attractive. You gonna work that?”

Tim was grinning from ear to ear. “You know it, man. Thanks for having my back. I’m just going to check in with Kyle, then change,” he answered as he walked off.

He found Kyle in the office, talking on the phone, and not wanting to disturb the man, he stood in the door until he saw Kyle motion him in.

“Yes, honey, I understand. No, you shouldn’t have to. I will talk to them when I get home. No, I’m not mad. Kids will be kids. I know there are boundaries. Yes, I will. No, we won’t. Yes, I’ll be home as soon as I can. I have to do this interview. Then I can head out. Don’t cry, baby. It’ll be okay. Yes, we’ll talk about it.” Kyle hung up the phone with a sigh.

Looking up at Tim, he ran his hand through his hair and shook his head. “Hey, man, glad you made it. It’s bad out there, huh?”

“Yeah that poor little darling I picked up looked like a drowned cat. She’s your interview, by the way,” Tim told him as he sat, dripping, in the chair.

Kyle threw him a towel and shook his head. “God, I was hoping she wouldn’t show. I need to get home. The kids are driving Jenna batty, and she’s about to make me nuts. She’s called several times in the last hour. I need to find a good sitter and bring Jenna for a good session in the club. That woman needs some attention in the worst way. She’s getting bratty on me.”

“I feel for you, man,” Tim answered.

“So, where is this girl anyway?” Kyle asked.

“Theresa took her to give her some dry clothes, and then she’ll bring her in here. Her car is stuck, and I need to get it towed and then get her home. I get the feeling she doesn’t have a lot, so I want to help her,” Tim told him, running the towel over his hair.

“Got ya, man, no problem. Real quick, what do you think? Will she be a good fit?”

“She has no idea what she’s getting into but seems nice and was very concerned that she was late. I think that’s a good sign.” Tim wanted her to get the job so he could spend more time with her.

“Sounds good, man. Go get dried off, and I’ll bring her by the bar. If things are still quiet when I’m done, would you do the tour thing and paperwork with her? I need to get home,” he said, grabbing his phone as it rang again.

Tim could hear him say, “No, honey, I’m sure they didn’t do it on purpose,” as he walked out the door, chuckling. He wished he had Kyle’s problems.

Chapter Two

Theresa took Tasha to the ladies’ changing room and showed her where she could shower, making sure she had everything she needed.

When Tasha came out, Theresa handed her some dry clothes to wear. “Here, I had these in my locker, and they don’t fit anymore. You’re about the same size I am, just a little taller. They should work.”

Tasha took the clothes, thankful that she didn’t have to put her wet things back on.

Pulling the dress over her head, she looked for her clothes. “Do you know where my things went?” she asked Theresa.

“Honey, they were all soaked. I put them in a bag for you to take home.”

“Oh, I…I need underwear.” Tasha was embarrassed to ask, but the dress was short, and even with undergarments, she would be showing her all. Luckily she was small and could go without a bra, but panties would be nice.
