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Tammy got drinks for both of them and took Dottie’s to her. “Now about lunch, what should I start?”

Dottie thought a minute and said, “How about we do some burgers and a salad? Derek will come up and do the burgers on the grill, and if you pull everything out, we can work together and chop stuff for the salad while I sit here. I really do need to try and stay off my feet. They keep swelling like little balloons, I guess to match the rest of me. I’m so fat.”

Derek opened the basement door just in time to hear her statement. “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you one hundred times, you are not fat. You’re beautiful and I love you all the more for it. It’s my baby that’s making you like this. You just know he is going to be big like his daddy.” Derek was six feet eight inches tall and probably weighed close to three hundred pounds. He was like a mountain.

Tyler followed him up the stairs and said, “We came up to see what you girls had planned for lunch, since Derek says it’s time for Dottie to eat.”

Derek looked at Dottie sternly and said, “You know what the doctor told you.” Dottie had been having trouble with her blood sugar and the doctor had her on a very strict schedule, which Derek made sure she maintained.

“Yes, Sir, I’m drinking my juice,” Dottie answered him, holding up her glass.

“Good girl,” he said, kissing her head and hugging her.

“I was just showing Tammy our little soccer player, and we were thinking a salad and burgers for lunch. Do you want to cook them outside while we fix the salad?” she asked Derek, hoping he would get the hint.

They had an indoor grill, but she wanted some more time alone with Tammy and wouldn’t get it if they cooked inside.

“Sure, Tyler and I will take the stuff outside while you girls make the salad.” Derek answered her, taking the hint.

They gathered what they needed and headed out while Tammy got the things they wanted out for the salad.

While the girls chopped the fixings for salad and burger toppings, they talked some more.

“You said something about a dungeon in the house?” Tammy asked. She really enjoyed talking with Dottie and how open Dottie was being with her.

“Yes, even though Derek is an owner of the club, he likes to play at home sometimes and we have a small room in the basement. When the guys come back in I’ll ask if I can show it to you. I’m not allowed down there by myself. Don’t worry, it isn’t scary.”

“What do you mean you’re not allowed in there? You’re a grown woman, can’t you do what you want? Does he order you around, too?” Tammy was a little put out that Derek thought he could tell Dottie what to do and when.

“Honey, in a D/s relationship, like Derek and I have, he, the Dominant, gives me parameters to follow. It’s a power exchange. I give him the power over my body and he in return promises to care for me and gives me pleasure and punishment. If I fail to follow his instructions or do something that could cause me harm, I get in trouble and face punishment. It isn’t as bad as it sounds. Even though I may be punished, I have all the control to stop anything that pushes my limits too much. I can’t stop just because I want to, but if it’s too much, I do have control. Derek gave me two safe words when we started playing. The use of one of these words will either stop or slow down whatever we are doing at any time. I really have the control.”

“Let me get this right—you’re in charge?” Tammy wasn’t sure she understood.

“Not exactly. Derek is in charge, but I can stop things if I need to. He pushes me to accept things and if I get overwhelmed or it becomes too much, I can tell him I need to slow down or stop. Then we discuss what went wrong and decide whether to continue or not. I’ve only used a safe word once and Derek did that on purpose. He wanted to make sure I would stop him before it was too much. I almost didn’t. I let him push me much farther than I should have because I trusted him so. And I got punished for it. A good dominant will push you, but the

y always try not to go beyond a certain point. Derek wants me to explore my limits and pushes me every chance he gets, but always seems to know right when to stop. If you find someone you’re in tune with, they will do the same for you. You will be given safe words in case something goes wrong or you need a break. Derek gave me two words that I wouldn’t normally say to use when we play. The words need to be something fairly easy to remember. Some people use the stoplight system. Red for ‘stop,’ yellow to slow down, and green for ‘I’m good.’ It’s up to you and your Dom. Derek and I use ‘monkey’ to slow down, and ‘elephant’ to stop.” Dottie giggled again.

“Why do you need two words, wouldn’t one work?” Tammy was really confused now.

“I suppose one word would work, but this way it lets Derek know whether I’m overwhelmed or just need a break. For example one night he had me on the cross and I got a cramp in my leg…I said ‘monkey’ and he stopped to find out what was wrong and rubbed the cramp out. He made sure I was okay and gave me some water and juice before we started again. If I had said ‘elephant’ he would have stopped and checked on me but we probably wouldn’t have gone on for the rest of the night. Remember the stoplights? Just like that yellow is proceed with caution and red is stop. Same thing,.” Dottie explained and she saw the light come on in Tammy’s head.

“Oh I get it. That makes sense now. Is Tyler a Dom?”

Dottie didn’t know what Tyler had told her and didn’t want to get in more trouble by answering, so she said, “Honey, that’s something you need to talk to him about. It’s not my place to tell you what he may or may not be into. Ask him.” That should keep her from more punishment. Although the thought of a good punishment made her tingly all over. Since she had been pregnant, Derek had been very careful of her and the baby, and it had been a long eight months.

“You don’t know, or you won’t tell me?” Tammy demanded.

Shit, thought Dottie, I can’t lie or my ass will really get it, but I can’t tell her either.

“Tammy, you really need to ask him. It’s not my place to be discussing Tyler’s life. Would you like it if I discussed yours?” That should shut her up, Dottie thought, mentally patting herself on the back.

“Oh, okay I get it, you’ll get in trouble for telling me.” Tammy answered.

Kid caught on pretty quick, Dottie thought. “Something like that.”

“Something like what?” Derek said, walking through the door with a plate of burgers, Tyler on his heels.

“Umm…we were just talking about whether or not Tyler was a Dom. I told Tammy she would have to talk to him about that and she observed that if I told, I might get in trouble, is all Sir.” No point in lying, since she didn’t know how much they had heard.
