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Putting the paddle down, he walked around to her head to check on her. “How are you doing, baby?” he asked, leaning down and wiping her tears with his thumb.

Tammy looked up at him, with anger and hurt in her eyes. “That fucking hurt, how the fuck do you think it felt?” She couldn’t believe he would do that. When she had talked to Dottie, Dottie acted like a punishment was no big deal. The spanking he had given her was nothing like this. This hurt. This was not playing.

“Tammy, first, I don’t like your cussing, if you keep it up, I’ll add to your punishment. Second, if you thought this was going be like playing and I was going to let you off easy, you were wrong. Baby, if I go easy on you and make it like playing, you won’t learn anything. Get through this, and I’ll make it worth your effort. I know it isn’t pleasant, but we don’t have much to go. I can’t have you coming to the club and causing a disturbance or have you running from me. We are almost done,” he told her, cupping her face and placing a sweet kiss on her lips.

Walking back around her, he picked up the fiberglass pointer and laid three stri

pes below the marks he had made with the paddle. Standing back to admire his work, he nodded to himself. Beautiful, exactly how he wanted it to look.

He knew she wasn’t going to like the ruler, especially since he planned on placing a couple stripes crisscrossing the welts already there. She wasn’t going to be sitting for a day or so, but he had seen and done worse.

Snapping the ruler against his hand a couple times, he took position and let her have it, the last strike hitting her pussy lips and distended clit as he commanded, “Come for me, Tammy.”

She did, screaming and crying his name, shocked at her response. It hurt, but not as bad as she had thought it would, and with each smack, she felt it all the way to her clit. She didn’t know she could respond to pain this way.

It wasn’t really pain, but she didn’t know how to describe it. She knew she was going to be sore, but it also felt good. She felt like she was drifting on a float in the ocean. She could almost hear the water and feel the breeze. Was this what they called subspace? She would have to ask Dottie.

Still drifting, she didn’t realize that Tyler had unfastened her and had wrapped her in a blanket. He was carrying her out of the room before she realized what was going on.

“Where are we going? Are you done?” she asked, confused.

“Honey, I’m taking you back to our room. We’ll soak in a hot tub and relax for a while, and then I’m going to take your ass,” he told her as he continued carrying her down the hall.

When he had her in the suite, he laid her on the bed while he filled the tub. She needed to soak a while before the evening continued.

Chapter Fifteen

Tammy was almost asleep by the time Tyler came back to her. He lay beside her in the bed, talking gently to her and stroking her skin to bring her back to him,

Tammy woke and turned stiffly to look at Tyler. She could feel the love in his touch and words.

Looking into his eyes, she smiled and reached to cup his face with her hand. “I love you,” she told him quietly, scared to say it too loud.

“I love you, too, baby,” he answered her, leaning down to give her a sweet kiss full of passion. Lying back on his side, he pulled her to him and just held her for several long minutes, running his hands over her skin and basking in the moment.

After a few minutes, Tammy looked up into Tyler’s soft golden-brown eyes and asked, “Do you really love me?” her voice full of awe and disbelief.

“Yes, baby, I think I fell in love with you the minute I found you on the road. I’ll never let you go,” he affirmed.

“Is this real or am I dreaming?” Tammy wondered out loud, her voice soft and breathy.

“No, baby, you’re not dreaming. This is as real as it gets. I love you and you are mine. Forever.” He told her, holding her closer if possible. “I’m going to keep you for the rest of my life and will work all my days to convince you how much you mean to me.”

Tammy couldn’t respond, so she just let herself melt into him, showing him with her body how much he meant to her.

Tyler held her a few more minutes before getting up and taking her to the tub. He knew she was going to be stiff and sore and the warm water would ease the welts and relax her for what he had planned next.

They sat in the huge jetted tub and Tyler held her between his legs, letting the warm water wash over them both.

“Close your eyes and rest a while, baby, I’ve got you. We’re not done tonight, and you need to rest a little before we start again,” he whispered over her head, tucking her under his chin and swirling the warm water over and over her.

Tyler leaned back in the tub and hit the button that would keep the water at a comfortable temperature for as long as they chose to stay in the tub. He planned on keeping her here for an hour or so, until she was completely relaxed and ready for what he planned next. Her ass was so his.

* * * *

After sitting for a while and just holding her, Tyler was ready for the rest of the evening. It had been all he could do just to sit there with her, but he knew better than to push too much.

Lifting her out of the tub, he dried them both before taking her back to the bed. Laying her in the center, he placed several pillows under her to raise her bottom up where he wanted it.
