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She wondered if he wanted children. They hadn’t talked about it. She did. She wanted a houseful. She wanted the life she didn’t have growing up. A place like Derek and Dottie’s would be perfect.

Then she thought she had to put the threat of her father and the men behind her before she thought about starting a family. As long as they were after her no one she knew was safe. She wasn’t worried about Dottie, Derek would make sure nothing happened to her, but if she had children, they would be vulnerable and she couldn’t live with that. She resolved to ask Tyler what they could do sometime after he woke up. He would know what to do and how to help her.

She was still watching him when he opened his eyes. He came instantly awake and smiled at her.

“Hey beautiful, how are you feeling this morning?” he asked, pushing her to her back and crouching over her.

“Wonderful. I feel wonderful. Last night was amazing. Can we do that again?” She really did want to do it again. Even though she was stiff and sore and her bottom was very tender, she was happy and felt cherished and loved for the first time since her mother had passed.

“Yes, baby, we’ll do it again. Maybe next time we play, there won’t be a punishment involved and we can both enjoy ourselves.” He told her still leaning over her.

“You didn’t enjoy punishing me?” she asked. She had thought that he would have enjoyed everything.

“Honey, I would rather play than punish. The experience would have been very different for you if we were playing. I will show you soon. I will use the same ruler, pointer and paddle and show you the difference.” He told her before taking her mouth in a scorching kiss.

Reaching in the bedside drawer he grabbed a condom, and quickly put it on. Lifting her arms over her head, he fastened the scarves to her wrists.

“Tyler, why do you tie me up?” she asked.

“Because it gives me control baby. You don’t have to do anything or worry about anything. I am in charge. It’s what I need.”

It was hard to explain to her, but knowing she was all his and controlling what she did gave him a sense of power. It was something his body craved.

“Do you not want me to touch you?” She was curious.

“Honey, I do enjoy your touch, and there are times when I will allow it— hell, I’ll encourage it— but right now this is what I need.” He leaned down and took her lips, fitting himself to her and plunging in, ending all conversation.

* * * *

A couple hours later, Tyler took Tammy to his condo. He wanted to get his laptop and a few things and check on the work that was being done. He was anxious to be home and didn’t want to stay in the club any longer than he had to. He traveled enough for work and liked being home when he could.

He also thought Tammy would be more comfortable home also. He was wrong.

“I think we will be able to come back here tonight, baby, the boys should have everything fixed and the security updated by then.” He told her as they left for lunch.

“Couldn’t we stay at the club for a few days?” she asked. Tammy thought that since the men who were looking for her knew where she was staying, she would be in more danger at the condo. At least they didn’t know where the club was, unless they were following her. She quickly turned her head to look behind them. There were several cars. Could one of them be her kidnappers? She quickly locked her door and looked around.

“Tammy, what’s the matter? Baby, calm down.” Tyler didn’t know how his suggestion that they return to the house could have upset her so. He had to find out what was going on in her head.

“Is your door locked?” she asked him, still nervously looking around.

Tyler locked his door and pulled into a parking lot, needing to find out what was going on.

“Do you have your gun?” Tammy had almost worked herself into a full panic.

“Yes, baby I have one in the glove compartment. What’s going on?” he asked her gently, pulling her into his arms.

“What if we’re being followed? That car pulled in behind us, what if it’s the men that are after me?”

Tyler watched an older couple get out of the car and go into the store at the front of the parking lot. He saw that Tammy did, too.

“See, nothing to worry about,” he said, holding her tighter.

“But now they know where I am, and they could be following me at any time. What if they try to get me again?”

“That’s why I’m not going to leave you alone. I or a member of the team will be with you constantly, and I also have members of the team that will be sitting outside the condo watching. Nothing is going to happen, and no one is going to get to you. I won’t let anything happen, I promise.” He hoped he could keep that promise, but knew that sometimes things went bad.

After he got her calmed down somewhat, he took her to eat, but could tell she was still nervous by the way she kept looking around and how tightly she was holding onto him. She jumped at every little noise.
