Page 7 of Gavin's Bliss

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cally squeezing to the same beat he was using on her clit. He would explore her ass more but didn’t want to do much without lube. He could tell she was tight, and he didn’t want to hurt her. He also needed to find out if she had ever done any anal play before he went further. He didn’t think she did from her response to what he had done.

He could tell she was close to coming again and wanted to come with her this time, so he started moving inside her again Slowly at first and as he felt her quicken, he moved more rapidly, applying more pressure to her clit until she came screaming his name, and his orgasm followed hers.

Shelby let herself collapse against Gavin, not sure she could ever move again. What the hell was that, and could they do it again? If every time were like that with him, she would never leave him or the bed. She felt like a pile of wet noodles.

Gavin stroked his hand over her, not in a sexual gesture, more for a calming effect. “Rest, baby. Then we’ll get up and take a bath. Rest now.”

Shelby couldn’t help it her eyes closed and before she knew it she was sleeping in his arms.

Gavin lay there watching her sleep. God had sent him the perfect woman. Now it was his job to keep her. Forever. He knew it was too soon to be feeling this way, but she was so perfect. He could tell she would be exactly what he wanted in the playroom and couldn’t wait to take her in there. The little bit of restraint he had used on her arms hadn’t seemed to bother her, and she had responded beautifully to everything he did and said. He just had to go slowly with her.

Chapter Four

Shelby woke alone in the bed. She wondered how long she had been sleeping. Looking around she didn’t see her clothes, but she did see Gavin’s T-shirt. It covered what needed to be covered, and it was just the two of them. He’d already seen her unclothed.

Heading down the stairs to look for him and food, she found him in the kitchen on the phone. He was just ending the call as she walked in.

“Hi, sleeping beauty. I didn’t want to wake you, but I need food after this morning,” he told her with a smile.

He was wearing his jeans again and the top button was undone. He looked good enough to eat. Shelby smiled back at him. “Food sounds good. You did breakfast. Let me see what I can find for lunch.”

Gavin nodded and poured himself a glass of iced tea. He asked if she wanted one and poured her one, too.

Shelby found everything to make chicken salad and, after asking Gavin if that would be okay, quickly stirred it up. She found some soft rolls instead of bread to put it on and served it to him with a side of potato chips. Setting down a plate for herself, she sat across from him and they both ate. The morning had made them both hungry, but what a morning it had been.

Gavin smirked while they were eating, and she couldn’t stand it anymore. Giving him a look of her own, she finally asked him “What?”

“What do you mean what?”

“I see that look on your face and was just wondering what you are thinking.”

“I’m thinking I’d rather be eating you than this sandwich, as good as it is,” he told her with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Oh.” She blushed.

“Finish eating. I want dessert,” he told her with the same look on his face.

“I didn’t fix anything for dessert,” she answered in a panic. “What do you want?” she asked as she gathered the plates to rinse and put in the dishwasher.

“You.” He walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and cupped her breasts through the shirt. “I like you in my T-shirt. You look good.” He moved her hair and kissed and nibbled the back of her neck. Taking the dish out of her hand, he set it in the sink and turned the water off. “I think these can wait until later.” He picked her up.

Shelby let out a little scream and relaxed in his hold, letting her head rest on his shoulder and wrapping one arm around his neck. It felt so good to be in his arms again. She liked being carried, too. As Gavin carried her up the stairs she licked and nibbled on his neck and whatever skin she could reach. The shirt she was wearing had moved up so her thighs were barely covered, and the fingers of hand he had curved under her knees were trailing across her thigh.

He carried her back into his bedroom, sat on the side of the bed, and stood her between his spread legs. Reaching under the bed, he pulled out a duffel bag. He set the bag beside him and indicated for her to sit beside him. She sat and looked at the bag curiously. Scooting to the side, he placed the bag between them. He unzipped the bag and rummaged around in it until he found what he wanted. He kept his hand in the bag so she couldn’t see what he had, and turned to look at her.

“Shelby, this is my bag of toys. We both know what the books you read are about. Have you ever thought about doing more than reading?” he asked in a serious voice.

Shelby looked down at the floor and nodded.

Gavin grasped her chin between his fingers and turned her head to him. “Have you ever tried anything?”

Shelby had never told anyone what she was about to tell Gavin, but she felt he needed to know. “About four years ago I got involved with a drug gang. The leader, his name was Jack, was into domination and bondage. One night I hanging out with them, and he tied up one of the other girls, but he did it too tight. She had rope burns all over her body and was bleeding in a few places. I decided that I never wanted to try anything like that. It looked too painful.”

Gavin held her chin so that she couldn’t look away and told her. “When rope work, or shibari, is done right, it’s beautiful, and you will feel like the rope is caressing your skin. It should never be so tight that it burns or cuts. I’m not a rope expert, but I do know a few things, and if you are willing one day we will try some loose harnesses.”

Shelby nodded. The tie Jack had done looked interesting until she saw how tight it was. She didn’t want to be hurt. Shirley, the girl who had been tied, had pain for days and soon left the gang.

“I think I’d like to try that one day,” Shelby answered him shyly.
