Page 33 of State

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He kissed the side of my neck. “Now you do.”

When we stepped into the common room, a roar of clapping and greetings reached us. Dominic held me to his side while he spoke with his brothers and they gave him one-armed hugs or chin lifts.

Country stepped forward and placed a hand on my head, ruffling my hair. He looked at Dominic. “You’re gonna need help with this one. I couldn’t getta word in edgewise when she was in a moment.”

Mock glaring, I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t that bad.”

“Tech,” Country boomed, and in the next second, I heard my voice over a PA system.“Country, this is State’s woman. He’s just been arrested by Ray Bondand has been accused of murdering someone.”

“What the fuck?”was broadcast next in Country’s voice.

“I know. It’s a bunch of bullshit. My father is friends with lawyers. I’m calling him now to get onto this. We’ll have State out soon. I’ll call when I have news.”I was sure Country said something in between that, but it had been cut out.

“Courtney, you don’t have to do that. We have people.”

“So do I. That… that asshole interrupted our date. I’ll be dealing with this and suing the hell out of him for something. I don’t know what yet, but I will. I have to go.”


“Talk soon.”The call ended.

Cheers erupted, but I ignored them when Dominic pulled me around to face him. The heat to his eyes could have burned me, but in the best way. “Fuck me,” he clipped in a low, rough tone. He shook his head.

“Let’s break it up, brothers. They’re gonna have a moment,” someone yelled, and I heard them scatter.

I shrugged and rolled my eyes, trying to compose myself. When they landed back on Dominic, I said, “It’s not a big deal.”

His gaze darkened even more. He took my hand and led me out of the room. I didn’t miss the catcalls, though I ignored them. If he was that taken by my actions, I wasn’t going to argue, especially if we were headed to a bedroom and I was going to get myself some.

Our steps ate up the floor, and Dominic kept glancing at me, both of us smiling sweetly at each other. When we reached his bedroom, he tugged me through the door and closed it, pushing me up against the wall beside it.

“I mean, some parts Country said were left out.” Why was I even bothering talking?

His hands slapped to the wall on each side of my head. “You’re my woman?”

“Country said it first, but that part wasn’t in there.”

“Are you my woman?”



I licked my suddenly dry lips, watching him follow the movement. “I would like to be.”

He groaned and dipped to rest his forehead against mine. “Good, baby, because I wanna be your man.”

I gasped. I couldn’t help it. I uttered, “You do?”

“Yeah, little mouse. Know it’s soon, also know we have a lot of gettin’ to know each other, but fuck, babe, you were meant to be mine when you walked into the compound. I knew it then, and I definitely know it now.”

“Okay.” His gaze flared at my acceptance, warming me in a way that made me want to curl up under his attention.

“We’re gonna see where this goes, but I’ve got an idea it’s gonna be good things for us, little mouse.”

“So do I.” And I did, right down to my bone marrow.

He grinned. “Glad we’re on the same page.” He dropped his chin to kiss my nose, and then straightened.
