Page 10 of The British Bastard

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Morph into Alex Thorne, that's what. It's pathetic, but I can't stop thinking about that infuriating man. "I'm too busy to date, Aaron."

"Are you, like, a lesbian? I'm cool with that if you are. My half-sister is gay."

"No, I'm not a lesbian." I just don't wanthim.

I notice movement out of the corner of my eye, but it's not Aaron. The flash originated from the other direction. When I swivel my eyes toward the movement, I glimpse Alex spinning around to rush away.

What is he doing now?

I sling my rucksack over one shoulder and stand up. "It was nice to see you again, Aaron. Goodbye."

Though I would rather turn left, away from where I'd seen Alex, the classroom where I need to be in fifteen minutes is to my right. I won't see Alex. He ran away when he spotted me on the bench with Aaron. So I forget about him and walk down the concrete path. Halfway to my destination, I stop.

Because Alex is leaning against a tree, staring down at the ground with his hands jammed in his trouser pockets.

He looks so forlorn that I want to hug him. But he threw me over the other night, which means I owe him nothing. He'd been so sweet and charming during our dinner, and I'd loved that side of him. Do I want to get involved with a man who is clearly damaged by things he refuses to talk about? If I want a boyfriend, I can find someone less complicated.

Alex lifts his head and sees me. His head jerks back, and his eyes widen.

I have two choices—continue past him as if he doesn't exist, or stop and speak to him. Since I've never been good at shunning people, I approach the pitiful man. "Hello, Alex. How are you today?"

"Are you dating that child?" He doesn't sound angry. No, his voice is rife with pain.

"Do you mean Aaron? He's not a child. We're both working on our PhDs."

"Youaredating him, then."


"But you've shagged him."

I shake my head. "Stop it, Alex. If you don't want to be with me, then you have no right to interrogate me about who I spend time with."

He bows his head and grips his nape. "I'm sorry. This is none of my concern."

Walk away, my logical brain tells me. But my heart urges me to find out what's fashing him. I inch closer. "Look at me, Alex, please."

He sighs, straightens, and clears his throat as he meets my gaze. "You're better off without me."

"Isn't that my decision?"

"You have no idea what you'd be letting yourself in for if you get involved with me."

"What have you done that's so awful?"

"It's complicated." He raises a hand as if to touch me but yanks it away. "I want you, Catriona. But I can't—You shouldn't want me."


He takes off across the grass, making a beeline for the humanities building at the opposite end of the quad from where I need to go. Why do I care if Alex feels bad? He treated me wonderfully at first, then turned around and tossed me away like so much rubbish. I wish I hadn't seen the pain in his eyes when he'd done that or heard the tension in his voice when he told me our kiss had meant nothing. But I did see and hear that. And I can't help that I want to know more about him, to find out what has made him so afraid to get close to me.

I should forget about him. Iwillforget about him.

That evening, I'm sitting in my living room watching a bad television show when the doorbell rings. I yawn and stretch, then pad over to the door. Who would want to see me at nine o'clock? I don't really know anyone in this country, not anyone who would stop by at such a late hour. But I peek through the peephole—and freeze.

It's Alex.

Maybe I shouldn't do it, but I cannae stop myself from opening the door. "What are you doing here?"
