Page 11 of The British Bastard

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Alex leans against the jamb, giving me that sexy half smile I'd seen often during our one and only date. "I wanted to apologize. In person. May I come in?"

I chew on my lip for a moment while I consider how to respond. He looks delicious in casual clothes—jeans and a polo shirt—but I cannae let my hormones make this decision. My heart does that instead. "Aye, you can come in."

Stepping aside, I wait until he's crossed the threshold, then shut the door. I'm completely alone with him. A man I barely know. Yet I trust him. Why? Not a bloody clue. He hesitates halfway to the sofa, seeming unsure of what to do now.

"Go on, sit down," I say as I wave toward the sofa and the armchair. "Wherever you like."

He drops onto the nearest end of the sofa.

I sit at the other end. "Did you have a reason for coming here?"

"Yes, of course." He sets his hands on his knees and curls his fingers over them. "I've behaved horribly. You have every right to tell me to sod off, but I hope you won't."

"Why would I tell you to do that?"

He glances at me sideways, almost smirking but not quite. "You wouldn't, naturally. I'm the arse would say something like that. I did say something similar to you after our date. I want to apologize for that, Catriona. I loved spending time with you—and kissing you."

"So it wasn't mediocre after all."

"No." He turns his face toward me. "It was the most incredible kiss I've ever experienced. I'm sorry for everything I said after I drove you home."

"Apology accepted."

His brows cinch up, and his lips fall open. "Why are you forgiving me?"

"Because I believe you're sincere, and everyone deserves a second chance."

"Everyone? Not sure that's true."

I'm about to ask why he thinks that, but then he yawns and sags into the sofa, letting his head fall back against it as he shuts his eyes. He looks so exhausted that I donnae have the heart to question him anymore tonight.

"You seem too jeeked to drive home," I say.

He peels one eye open to look at me. "Jeeked?"

"It means you're exhausted."

"Oh. Yes, I am that." He blows out a sigh and closes both eyes again. "This sofa is so comfortable that I think I could sleep for a thousand years."

"Why don't you sleep on the sofa tonight?" Did I just invite him to spend the night? Aye, and I meant it. Maybe being away from my entire family and living in another country has driven me off my head, because I don't regret making that offer.

Alex rotates his head toward me, and his caramel eyes zero in on me. "Are you sure you want me to do that? Stay the night, I mean."

"Yes, Alex, I'm sure. Cannae have you careening off the road on your way home."

He stares at me. "Thank you, Catriona."

"You can call me Cat if you like. It's my nickname."

"Thank you, Cat."

His eyes drift shut again, though his head stays turned to the side. I crawl on my knees until I'm right beside him, then raise my hand as if to caress his face, but I stop. Maybe I shouldn't touch him. Maybe I ought to ring for a taxi to take him home. But he looks so innocent and sweet right now, not at all like the way he'd behaved after our date. So I give in and spread my palm over his cheek, sliding it across his skin and into his hair.

One of his eyes opens partway. "What are you doing?"

"Hush." I begin combing my fingers through his hair in a gentle rhythm. "I'm trying to help you relax."

"Mm." His lid falls shut. "It's working."

He sounds very sleepy, but I keep brushing his hair with my fingertips until his breathing grows shallow and regular. I think he's asleep, or at least almost there. I carefully slide off the sofa and tiptoe into my bedroom to retrieve a blanket, then I return to the sofa.

Alex now lies stretched along the sofa's length, his shoes on the floor and his eyes closed.

I drape the blanket over him and grab a throw pillow which I gently tuck under his head. He doesn't even stir. I gaze down at him for a moment, then I lean in to kiss his cheek. He seems almost angelic in sleep, as if all his worries have evaporated.

Back in my bedroom, I change into a nightie and crawl under the covers. But I can't stop thinking about one question.

What will I do with Alex Thorne?
