Page 16 of The British Bastard

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Chapter Six


"Why are you laughing?" I ask. When Alex only smirks at me, I flip onto my back and fold my arms over my breasts. "You said it was incredible, but now you're acting like you think sex with me is hilarious. I donnae understand men at all."

"No, you clearly don't." He slings an arm over my belly and kisses me. "I gather the blokes you shagged didn't stay for round two. Did they at least spend the night with you?"

I shrug. "They usually said they had to get up early for work and didn't want to bother with setting an alarm for an earlier time just so they could go home and change clothes."

"Bother? Sleeping with a woman is not a nuisance. Waking up with one isn't either."

"You said you only shag women. You don't sleep with them."

"Well, yes…" He bows his head and scratches the back of it. Then he peeks up at me through his thick lashes. "But now I want to do that—with you. And I want to make love to you over and over too."

"Then why did ye laugh when I asked if we could do it again?

"Men aren't machines, love. We need time to recover before we can have another go."

"How long does that take?"

Alex seals his open mouth over my belly button and blows out a breath. His lips vibrate my skin, and I start to giggle. Honestly, I never do that. But Alex knows exactly how to make me do silly things and love every minute of it. He also knows how to give me intense pleasure.

Alex kisses a path up my belly and straight to my throat, where he feathers his lips over my skin. "Why don't we have a light breakfast first? I'm sure I'll be up for it after that."

"I could eat a whole haggis by myself."

He feigns disgust. "I hope you don't expect me to kiss you after that. And I said light breakfast. We don't want to gorge ourselves right before sex."

"Men are finicky about this, aren't you?"

"It's biology, darling. I can't change that."

"All right. Breakfast first." I try to sit up, but he gently pushes me back down. "Stay here. I will bring you breakfast in bed."

"What should I do while I wait for you?"

"Anything you like." He pecks a kiss on my lips. "It will be worth the wait, I promise."

I watch Alex climb off the bed. Then he walks out the door, giving me a perfect view of his arse until he moves out of my sight. That man has a beautiful body and the face of an angel. But when he makes love to me, his expression turns into fierce hunger. I've never seen a man look like that during sex. I love it, and I cannae wait until we have another poke.

What should I do now? Alex suggested I should lie about in bed, but that's dead boring. I count the balls on the ceiling until I start to go cross-eyed, then I play thumb war with my own hands, which isn't very satisfying. The scent of food wafts into the bedroom, making my tummy rumble. Aye, I'm fair starved. Sex with Alex turned into an aerobic workout.

A sensuous warmth rushes through me as I flash back to a little while ago when Alex had been inside me. Poised over me. Thrusting and gasping, his expression the picture of intense need. He's always gorgeous, but in the throes, he becomes a god. I'm growing slick between my thighs again just from remembering what we did. My favorite bit was when he said in that rough, rumbly voice, "I'm going to lick up every last drop of your cream."

Now a tingling erupts between my thighs too.

I need him to fuck me again right now, but Alex insisted he cannae do that yet. Though I try not to, I cannae help fantasizing about those moments in this bed. The more I think about that, and him, the more I need to come. My clit throbs as I wriggle uncomfortably, afflicted with a growing need to relieve the pressure.

How long will it take Alex to make breakfast? I glance at the clock on the nightstand and realize it's only been ten minutes since he left the room. Cannae wait that long.

So I close my eyes and slip a finger between my folds to stroke myself while I imagine Alex licking me the way had earlier. Oh, his tongue. It had felt like velvet on my flesh. I move my finger in a rhythm that matches how he had devoured me, and excitement rises inside me. My back arches. I moan his name and rub faster.

"Bloody hell, Cat. Don't get started without me."

My eyes fly open. I stare at Alex, feeling strangely embarrassed that he caught me. After what we did earlier, I donnae know how I can feel that way, but I do. "Alex. What are you doing?"

He's not holding a tray of food. He just stands in the doorway gawping at me.
