Page 48 of The British Bastard

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Chapter Seventeen


I'd been lying in bed, enjoying the aromas of whatever food Cat had prepared for breakfast, when I heard someone banging on the front door. I pulled on my jeans and a T-shirt, then ran into the living room, meaning to reach the door before Cat. But she got there first. Two police officers stood just outside the threshold, each wearing a stern expression and carrying a firearm strapped to his hip.

"You've got it wrong," I say as I come up beside Catriona. "You don't want to arrest her."

"Stay out of this, Dr. Thorne. We have our orders."

He knows my name, which might give Catriona the idea that I know this wanker. I've never seen him before. But I do know his boss, Chief of Police Darnell Miller, and I have no doubts he sent these men. Whether they realize the charges are trumped up, I have no idea. Would they care if they did know? My only concern right now is to stop them from taking Cat.

I squint at the bloke who had spoken and repeat the words I’d said a moment ago, this time with more menace in my voice. "You've got it wrong."

The officers eye me with their lantern jaws tightly set and their gazes narrowed on me. Do they really think that will intimidate me? They're fools if they do.

"She's coming with us," the officer who'd spoken a moment ago says. "You can visit her in county lockup."

"At least let her get dressed," I snarl.

"Can't. Got orders." The other officer, the one who had handcuffed Cat, spears me with a knife-sharp glare that does not frighten me. "Orders from the top."

"You are making a mistake that you will regret."

"Doubt it, pal. You're not as smart as you think."

The officers drag her out of the apartment, despite the fact she's wearing only a dressing gown and not even a pair of slippers. Though I want to beat those men senseless for treating her like a criminal, I know that will do no good. If I'm arrested, I can't fight to get her released. We don't need lawyers. All I need is the video I recorded yesterday.

I want to follow those bastards to the jail, but I know that's the wrong thing to do right now. Instead, I finish getting dressed and grab the videotape, then climb into my car and drive too fast and too recklessly on my way to the home of Darnell Miller. I have a hunch he will be there. The man is not a hard-working professional, but a chancer who will do anything to get what he wants. That suggests to me that he will still be at home. I would bet all the money I have that he never shows up to work before ten o'clock.

And it's barely seven right now.

Since I no longer need to be stealthy, I slam my foot down on the brake pedal, screeching to a halt along the curb in front of Miller's house. I don't give a fuck that everyone in the vicinity might have heard that noise. By the time I stomp up the steps onto the porch, Miller has swung his front door open.

When he sees me, he scuffles backward and tries to close the door in my face.

I kick it open before the latch clicks into place and stalk into the house. Miller keeps backing up, apparently aiming for the living room behind him. Kicking the door shut, I seize Miller's shirt and drag him closer.

Spittle sprays from my lips as I snarl, "Call off your dogs. Do it right now. Release Catriona immediately, or I will make sure Raymond Anderson knows you've been fucking his wife, thanks to the video I took of you two going at it. I doubt Connie will want to shag you ever again once her husband knows about the two of you."

"You don't know the Andersons. You're lying."

"Am I? Raymond Anderson is a trustee of Ballesteros University, where I work. I've met him and his wife more than once." I shake Miller hard. "You have no idea who you're dealing with. You claim to know who I am and what I've done, but that is clearly a lie. If you knew the whole truth, you wouldn't have tried this blackmail scheme."

Miller's face has turned a few shades paler. His expression has gone slack too, a clear indication that he thought I'd be an easy mark for his blackmail-slash-burglary scheme.

"Release Catriona," I hiss. "And make certain there are no blemishes on her record. If I find out you've so much as mentioned her name in any reports, I will hunt you down and punish you."

"Okay, okay," Miller says, holding his hands up in surrender. "Relax, she won't have any record. Forget about that diamond necklace. Gloria said she'd tell Connie Anderson I was sleeping with her too. She knows I swore to Connie she was the only one."

"I don't give a toss about your infidelity problems."

"What I'm saying is please don't send the video to Raymond. He'll murder me—professionally, at least."

A harsh laugh bursts out of me. "Am I meant to feel sorry for you? I hope Anderson ruins your life." I let go of Miller and move toward the door. "Do what you promised. I think even your minuscule brain can comprehend the consequences if you renege."

"Yeah, I get it. Your girl will be released within the hour." When I keep glaring flaming daggers at him, he picks up the phone and dials. "Ronnie? Yeah, let the girl go, free and clear."

I walk out the door and slam it shut behind me.
