Page 54 of The British Bastard

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Chapter Twenty


I stand on the green behind Dùndubhan, the castle owned by my brother Rory. He hadn't owned a castle back when I became involved with that British Bastard. In the past few years, Dùndubhan has become a hub for MacTaggart family gatherings of all sorts, including shinty and Highland games. I now wait among a crowd of MacTaggarts, as well as the Americans that some of them have married, waiting for the Soulless Sassenach to walk onto the green.

I can't see what's happening, but I hear a chorus of murmurs that suggests Logan and Serena have emerged from the doorway in the castle wall that serves as the entrance to the walled garden. Alex must have followed them out, based on the murmuring around me. I can hear Rory's voice echoing off the walls, though I can't see him or make out his words. He sounds angry, though, and that suggests he's giving Alex a tongue lashing.

Good. The Limey Louse deserves it.

But I can't let my brothers fight my battle for me, so I push through the crowd. Everyone begins to move out of the way, opening a path for me, and even my brothers step aside. I stop a few yards away from Alex. The fire of fury erupts inside me as I skim my gaze over him from head to toe. Aye, he looks as good as ever—better even than he had the last time I saw him. But I donnae care how attractive and sexy he is. The British Bastard needs to pay for stealing my happiness.

Everyone on the green has fallen silent.

The fury rises even higher inside me, too hot and caustic to hold back.

"You bastard!" I scream as I barrel toward Alex.

Only his eyes move—to widen in shock, of course—and he just stands there as if he's waiting for me to assault him. I swing my fist back and slug him in the gut.

Alex gasps and doubles over, stumbling backward. But then he straightens and clears his throat as if he wants me to punch him again. Aye, I'll give him what he wants. I pull my arm back, preparing for another strike.

But Alex catches my fist in his hand.

Maybe I haven't behaved in the most adult manner, but Alex Thorne tore my heart out and didn't seem to care at all about what he'd done. We exchange a few words, and Alex acts like an arrogant erse who doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone. Then I drag him into the garden, slamming the door behind us. What happens next leaves me shaken and confused—because Alex does something I never could have anticipated.

He seems genuinely upset.

Our argument provokes a depth of emotion that stuns me. Not just my emotions. Alex's too. Does he care more than he lets on? Did our breakup all those years ago destroy him too? Long after I walk out the garden door, leaving Alex alone in there, I keep thinking about our encounter at Dùndubhan.

After that day, I see Alex often at family events like Logan and Serena's wedding, and my brother Aidan's birthday party. On every one of those occasions, I snap at Alex and berate him with the nicknames I invented long ago. Alex knows exactly how to provoke me into lashing out at him, and I'm beginning to think he wants me to do that. Maybe he feels guilty and letting me verbally assault him—and sometimes physically assault him—makes him feel like less of abod ceann.

Since Alex lives in America, I don't see him every day. I don't even know where in America he lives.

After months of occasionally bumping into him, I get a surprise job offer from Thensmore University in Montana. It's a tenure-track position, and the pay is good. I need to shake up my life, so I accept the job. A month later, I arrive for my first day as a professor of archaeology and ancient history, and I meet a very nice woman called Lydia, who is in charge of the human resources office. I go there first to fill out paperwork and receive a brief introduction to the campus. But Lydia tells me something that sets my blood to boiling.

"We're so happy to have you here, Catriona," she says. "Alex Thorne's recommendation tipped the scales in your favor. He swears you're the smartest, most capable archaeologist he's ever known."

My fingers curl into my palms, as stiff as talons. "Alex recommended me?"

"Oh, yes. He gushed about you."

Though I want to grit my teeth and snarl, I force myself to stay calm. It's not Lydia's fault that Alex is a lying, connivingbod ceann. So I thank her for all her help and for letting me leave my bags in her office until I can pick them up after work. I had flown in early this morning and haven't even seen the house on campus that the university is providing for me.

As soon as the door to Lydia's office clicks shut behind me, I clench my fists and my teeth. Then I stalk through the building until I find Alex's office, thrust the door open, and march up to his desk. I stab a finger toward him. "Alex Thorne, you slimy, conniving bastard. What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

He gestures at his desktop. "Grading papers."

"Donnae be cute with me. How dare you interfere in my life."

Our argument goes on for several more minutes, but I get nothing from Alex except his favorite air of amused disinterest, as my cousin Logan calls it. He and Alex have become mates, but I've chosen not to criticize Logan for his lapse in judgment. My encounter with Alex leaves me feeling strangely invigorated. It doesn't help that age has made Alex even more appealing, almost irresistible. But I will never have a poke with him again. Never.

Still, I can't help wondering if his nonchalance is a cover for pain that he hides deep inside himself. His behavior nine months ago in the garden at Dùndubhan suggests I'm right about that. Maybe I shouldn't want to dig underneath Alex's skin and unearth the truth about him, but I need answers. Why did he push me away all those years ago? Why has he become so closed off? If I dig deep enough, will I find the passionate, sweet man I'd lived with for two years?

One way or another, I will find out. Our story isn't over yet. And Alex Thorne will not slither away from me again.
