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"For what? I loved that kiss."

So did I. But I can't admit to that. "I need to take you home."

I lay a palm on her back to guide her out of the building and to my car. Neither of us speak on the ride to her flat, and though I walk her to her door, I do not kiss her good night. She seems confused when I don't even look her in the eye. I've just turned away, about to start back down the walkway, when she grasps my arm.

"Alex, wait."

Don't look at her.The only response I can safely give her is to revert to my old cavalier persona in a desperate attempt to escape. I do not glance at her even when I say, "If you were expecting me to fall madly in love with you after one mediocre kiss, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"If you want to chase me away, you'll at least have to look at me first."

Of course she insists I look at her. The Scots lass I'd taken for a shy girl has turned out to be the opposite. When I turn to face her, she gazes at me with nothing like shyness. A fire burns in her gaze, and I swear I can feel the heat penetrating my soul. That makes me want her even more.

"Happy now?" I say. "You wanted me to look at you before I tell you to bugger off, and I've done it. Dinner with you was a pleasant distraction, but I'm tired of you now."

I just stop myself from wincing when I speak those words. I'd meant it when I told my anonymous bedmate I was tired of her, but I'm lying to Catriona.

"Mhac na galla," she hisses. "You are the most obstinate man on earth. I donnae believe you, Alex, and I am going to figure out why you're so afraid to be with me."

"What was that phrase you spoke? It sounded like gibberish."

She bars her arms over her chest. "Never mind what it means. That was a curse, aimed at you because you're an eejit if you think I'll believe your insulting claim that kissing me was mediocre."

"Afraid it was, darling. Ta-ta."

I walk away, rather too swiftly, and trip over a seam in the concrete walkway. By the time I reach my car, my hands are shaking. It's ridiculous. By tomorrow, I will have forgotten about Catriona MacTaggart.

She will never haunt me again.
