Page 29 of Not Quite Roommates

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The blender!Always the blender. Lacy sat up in bed and shoved her blankets off. Her head ached and her throat was dry. She didn’t have to open her eyes to realize she still wore yesterday’s clothes. It didn’t matter. Coffee was the answer. Always.

She stumbled out of her room and, using her hands, felt her way into the kitchen. Her fingers crashed into Jonah’s skin. Not his shirt. A surge of warmth spread through her, almost like a shot of coffee. But without the caffeine, it wasn’t the same. Her fingers lingered on his hard muscles as a memory tried to rear forward.

Her head pulsed in protest. One of her hands left Jonah to clutch at the pounding in her brain.

Jonah’s hands caught around her waist and lifted her to sit on the counter. He grabbed her hand with one of his and with the other, pressed a warm mug into it.

“Drink, little bird.” Jonah. She relaxed. He stayed close to her. His heat comforted her, and his presence kept her from falling off the counter as she drank.

His fingers tucked her hair out of her face, but she still didn’t want to open her eyes. “Noisy.”


She could almost hear the smile in that word. He wasn’t sorry at all. She sighed.

“Head hurts.”

“Not surprised.”

She cracked open an eye as she drank more coffee. “You?”

“Me?” Jonah leaned against the corner of the kitchen counters, close enough to catch her if she fell. She appreciated that since she didn’t go sitting on the counter usually and never before her coffee.

“Your head?” She gestured vaguely toward him.

“I stopped drinking after shot number two.”

She groaned and closed her eyes. “Why didn’t I?”

He chuckled. The cabinet opened and the rattle of a pill bottle sounded. “Here.”

She opened her eyes and looked at the pills in his hand. She took them and swallowed them with her coffee. “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” He picked up his smoothie and drank.

Even after drinking over half her coffee, last night was really fuzzy. The shots had kept coming and she’d wanted to keep up with the other ladies, who must be professional drinkers. “Did I do anything embarrassing last night?”

“Would you consider dancing on the table embarrassing?” His eyebrow rose.

Her mouth fell open.

“I didn’t.” She would have remembered that, right? “Did I?”

He chuckled again. “You didn’t. Stop worrying.”

She rubbed at her temple, trying to remember. “After the third shot, things got really funky.”

“How so?”

She caught the little tilt of his lips. “I remember your beard. . . why do I remember your beard?”

“You might have been feeling it up.” He smirked as he took a drink.

“Oh my God, I did.” Her hand covered her lips and warmth flooded her cheeks. If feeling up Jonah’s beard was the worst thing she did, she’d be happy. She sipped a little more before saying, “You asked Logan about me.”

He nodded. “We discussed the woman at work.”
