Page 38 of Not Quite Roommates

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She sputtered a little on her water before giving him a thumbs up.


She took a breath and met his eyes.

“I’m not looking for a hookup tonight. My main concern is getting to know our coworkers and making sure you make it home. Though how anyone gets to know someone in a loud nightclub is beyond me.” He took a bite.

She relaxed, not even realizing she’d been tense. She wanted to see if things went somewhere with Logan tonight, but she still wanted to take things slow. She had no intention of going home with Logan and becoming one of his notches. She wanted more than that. Besides, she wasn’t even sure what to do once she got to his bed. Maybe she should do some research like she had on flirting.

It helped Jonah wouldn’t be trying to score tonight either. “Okay.”

Jonah gave her a slight smile while he continued to eat. It warmed her and she found herself enjoying just being here with him.
