Page 45 of Not Quite Roommates

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“Not a drinking game.” Logan smiled. “After those shots last night. I wouldn’t want to have to drag your drunk ass home again.”

“I wasn’t drunk.” Claire stuck her tongue out at Logan. “I was happily buzzed.”

“I’d like to avoid another hangover,” Lacy said. Her gaze collided with Jonah’s smiling eyes. That feeling of being safe and held filled her with warmth and she pulled her gaze away. Jonah was her friend. Logan was the real deal. She looked at Logan, who smiled at her.

Nothing, not even a skip in her heart. What the hell was wrong with her?

“Okay, not a drinking game.” Claire tapped her finger to her red lips. “I’ve got two.”

She turned in her seat toward Jonah. “As the new guy, you get to choose.”

“Okay,” Jonah said, warily.

“Would you rather, or kiss, marry, fuck?” Claire winked at Lacy.

“Wait, isn’t it kiss, marry, kill?” Lacy asked.

“Where’s the fun in killing someone?” Claire shrugged. “There are plenty of celebrities I would much rather fuck than kiss or marry.”

“Fine.” Jonah wrapped his hands around his drink. “Kiss, marry, fuck, it is.”

“Excellent.” Logan rubbed his hands together. “I’ll start. For the ladies, though, I can assume we are comfortable enough in our manhood to play both sides. . . .”

Logan met Jonah’s eyes with a questioning look. Jonah nodded and gestured for Logan to continue.

“All right.” Claire relaxed into the booth. “Bring it on.”

“Let’s start with the Chrises. Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt?” Logan raised his eyebrow.

“Which Chris Pratt?” Claire leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and putting her head on her hands. “Early “Parks and Rec” orGuardians of the Galaxy?”

“Guardians of the Galaxy.” Logan mimicked her stance with a smirk.

“Hmmm. Kiss Chris Evans, obviously. Marry Chris Hemsworth, because come on, who wouldn’t want to wake up to that every morning. And fuck Chris Pratt.” Claire rested back in her seat. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at Logan. “What about you?”

“Kiss Pratt, marry Evans, fuck Hemsworth.” Logan smiled and took a drink before turning his gaze on Lacy.

She gulped. What the hell did she know about fucking?

“I agree with Claire,” Jonah said. “After all, Evans would be fine for a kiss, but he seems to be all talk. Hemsworth is not only funny, but the dude is ripped and has a good accent. Pratt, well, he’s a giant dick, but funny, therefore, fuck would be the right answer.”

“Sounds good to me.” Lacy smiled at Claire, who seemed fine with her non-answer. Thankfully.

“Okay, one for the guys. Michelle Pfeiffer, Michelle Williams, and Michelle Obama,” Claire rattled off. For a while they came up with more celebrities for the list. Lacy was happy to listen to the others and their reasoning, but she nearly squirmed when everyone turned their eyes to her. Of course, the tequila in her margarita helped to make it less of an issue.

“How about we make this a little more personal?” A wicked glint sparked in Claire’s eyes. “For the guys, kiss, marry, fuck. Me, Lacy, and Phoebe.”

Lacy’s eyes went wide. What the what? That wasn’t the game.

“I don’t—” Jonah started.

“It’s just a game.” Logan laughed. “All right. Hmmm. Only for the game obviously. Phoebe’s the non-wild card here. Obviously I’d fuck Phoebe. Lacy and Claire, though, are a little harder. Claire is my best friend, and they say you should marry your best friend so. . . . Why not? Marry Claire and kiss Lacy.”

Not exactly where Lacy hoped to be on the list, but it wasn’t awful. Marriage would have been preferable. At least they weren’t playing kiss, marry, kill. He could have killed her, which would have been much worse.

“How about you, Jonah?” Claire smiled at him.

Jonah took a swig from his drink and set the glass down. He glanced Lacy’s way once, making her heart stop. “Marry Phoebe, kiss Claire, fuck Lacy.”
