Page 72 of Not Quite Roommates

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Claire rolled her eyes at Lacy before turning to face Logan. “Puppy chow, huh?”

“Seems like. Bring on the puppies.” Logan’s gaze roamed over Lacy. Almost aggressively. Definitely not with brotherly intent.

The urge to cover herself up and hide from his gaze flowed through her.

“Getting your caffeine in for the long haul, Lace?”

“It probably won’t take that long.” Lacy almost flushed, thinking of Jonah and what they had gotten up to all day yesterday. What they would have done last night. What Sophie had basically stuck a pin in.

“Maybe not, but it won’t be as fun as puppies.” Logan grinned. “If I’d had the option, I would have picked you, Lace. I know how much you like puppies. You always bring the playful to puppy ads.”

Something stirred in her heart. See, he did know her. Of course, pretty much everyone in the office knew that about her, but it showed Logan paid attention to her. And he’d wanted to work with her. At least on the puppy campaign. Which had cute written all over it. The light dimmed in her heart. If he had first choice, would he have picked Claire and the perfume? She shook off the feeling.

“Thanks.” She sipped on her coffee, unsure of what else she could say.

“Let’s get busy, Claire. There’s a game on tonight and I don’t want to miss it.” Logan headed toward the door and held it open.

“I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time.” Claire walked through the door but winked at Lacy.

Tossing a smile Claire’s way, Lacy headed out to her desk. Before she could take her seat, Jonah stood and stepped closer. Not too close but close enough her insides melted.

“Let’s talk about the campaign over lunch. My treat.” He pushed his chair under his desk.

“Sounds good.” Taking a large gulp of her coffee, Lacy didn’t look at the other people in the office. She grabbed her purse and slid her work tablet in it, just in case they needed to take notes. She followed Jonah out with a quick wave to Emily and into the elevator.

“How’s your day going?” he said, nonchalantly, and leaned toward her in the back of the elevator.

“Good. You?” She turned her face toward him and got lost in the blue of his eyes. Her insides stirred up, whipping quickly into a storm. If she moved an inch or two up, she could press her lips against his and get swept away.

His gaze dropped to her lips for a second before returning to her eyes. “We have a lot of work ahead of us. I downloaded all the specs. We may be here late tonight.”

Right, work. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

The elevator stopped and more people crowded on. Jonah stepped closer to her and the backs of his fingers brushed hers. His ocean scent filled her nose. Her knees weakened and she was thankful for the wall behind her, holding her up. Especially when his fingers loosely tangled with her own. Her heartbeat quickened. She glanced up at him, but he watched the numbers counting down above the door. A hint of a smile tugged at his lips.

They reached the lobby and his hand slipped from hers as they followed the crowd out.

“You like fish and chips?” Jonah headed toward the side door.

“Sure.” She’d follow him anywhere if he kept looking at her like she was the only woman in the world. Her heart felt too large for her chest as he took her hand in his and led her along the crowded sidewalk.

The air had a slight chill to it, but it was a sunny day for the fall. Jonah stopped at a street vendor and got two fish and chips wrapped in newspaper cones. He handed her one as he grabbed napkins. They walked together across the street and into a small park the size of a city block.

A fountain sat at the center with people everywhere enjoying the gorgeous day for their lunch break. Jonah found them a seat on the fountain on the far side away from the office and pulled her down next to him. From hip to thigh, they were connected.

Tingles filled her as her insides pulsed at his proximity. If they were going to work together all evening, she definitely needed to pull it together. Yes, Jonah was a very attractive man and yes, what he did to her made her want more, but they needed to focus on getting the job done.

“You ready to bring the sexy?” Jonah asked as he took a bite of fish and stared at a clown making balloon animals for a crowd of children.

“That would be perfect for a puppy commercial.” She sighed. Cute was her main focus.

“Mad I chose you?” He didn’t look at her, but she glanced up at him.

“No,” she said softly.

He tipped his face toward hers. His blue eyes shined with banked heat. “Good.”

She picked at her fries, aka chips. “I just don’t know how much I’ll have to contribute for a sexy perfume campaign.”
