Page 71 of Not Quite Roommates

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Was he actually interested in her? When Jonah had first met him, the guy didn’t really have any feeling one way or the other about Lacy. But Logan had definitely taken notice of her at the club and the way she leaned into Jonah.

Maybe Logan was just disappointed he had to work on the dog food campaign. Claire seemed miffed at Jonah for not picking her.

Logan and Claire would work together just fine though. Who cares if they had to play cute instead of sexy for a day or two. It would be good for them.

Lacy flushed but didn’t look at him when his gaze settled on her. These people kept pigeonholing her and she let them. Sure, Lacy had a lock on cute with her silly pajamas and just by being herself, but she also had a sensual side that, like a hibernating bear, had just woken up. He wanted to see if poking it would unleash her inner wild child.

Besides, he enjoyed riling up his little bird and couldn’t wait to get her alone.

* * *

As the meeting ended,Lacy headed into the breakroom. Apparently, there wasn’t enough coffee in the world to face a day like today. She wished she’d slept better last night. She filled her mug and stared at the wall while she took a few needed sips.

Logan was acting odd today. First the picture for the ad. It was a sexy pic of a man and a woman kissing. The odd part was he’d asked her opinion. Usually Claire was his go-to gal for that kind of thing. Sure, she’d been in the copy room at the time, but usually he’d just wait for her to return instead of asking Lacy’s opinion.

When Jonah picked the perfume, Lacy was sure he’d pick Claire to work with him. After all, everyone in the office knew Lacy loved working on the puppy campaigns. And Claire breathed sex. Logan had even said it to everyone.

But Jonah had chosen her. Her whole body tingled in anticipation of being near him. Alone. Working. God, she needed to focus. This campaign was big and needed a delicate touch. An opportunity to show the rest of them she was more than just cute.

“You okay?” Claire’s voice caused Lacy to jump and almost spill her coffee.

She turned. Claire stood at the coffee pot with a full mug. Lacy hadn’t even heard her come in.

“You seemed a little lost there.” Claire gestured vaguely toward the wall.

Lacy nodded. “Just lost in thought. Clearly not enough caffeine.”

“My sentiments exactly.” Claire chuckled and held her cup up in a salute before taking a drink. “At least Logan and I should be able to get out of here somewhat early. The Timeless campaign seems like a lot to do in a short span of time.”

“I don’t know. With the Olly’s campaign, I would have gotten lost in puppy pictures for hours.” Lacy smiled. “Maybe it’s better I’m not on that one.”

“Probably.” Her smile slipped as Claire’s lips pressed together for a second. “You’re okay with this, right? If you want, I can go to Jonah and tell him you’d rather work on the puppy campaign.”

Lacy frowned. “What do you mean?”

Claire glanced at the door and moved closer. “I know you might not be comfortable with the sexy campaigns. You always let Logan and me deal with them. If you need me to step in—”

“Whoa.” Lacy held her palm up at Claire. “I was a copy writer before I came here and worked on plenty of sexy campaigns. It’s part of my job whether I like them or not. I’m perfectly capable.”

It was Claire’s turn to frown. “I know you are capable, but I just wanted to make sure you would be comfortable being alone with Jonah.”

“You mean, my coworkerandroommate? The guy who got me home when I was drunk on Friday and who you guys left me with on Saturday? Why would I be uncomfortable with him?”

Claire backed up a step and held up her palm in surrender. “You’re right. We just tend to be protective of you.”

Protective, like a little sister. Grrr. that might not be all that was going through Claire’s head. The image of Claire and Jonah standing at the bar with Claire’s hand on his chest burned in Lacy’s mind. Her stomach hardened. Did Claire want time with Jonah? Alone time? Was she hoping late tonight Jonah might slip up and kiss her? Was that what this was about?

Her heart sped up. What the hell was Lacy thinking? It didn’t matter what Claire thought. Jonah had promised to only be with Lacy for now. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t go after Claire. At least not while they were doing what they were doing. And it most definitely wasn’t over yet. Just waylaid by the arrival of their roommate. That kiss this morning proved that.

Lacy took a deep breath and calmed down. Jonah wasn’t hers for the long term, but he was right now. Besides, maybe Claire was just being considerate. No need to get her panties all in a bunch. “I’ll be fine, Claire. Thank you for your concern.”

Claire nodded. “I think one of us should have been a lead. Then we could have gone for boys versus girls. You and I would have rocked the perfume ad.”

“That would have been fun.” A smile lit Lacy’s face. It would have been too.

“If you need anything, let me know.” Claire reached out and touched Lacy’s arm. “Us girls need to stick together.”

Her hand dropped as the door opened. Logan strolled in. “Hello, ladies.”
