Page 79 of Not Quite Roommates

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“Maybe.” Jonah couldn’t resist running the palm of his hand over her soft hair. “I had a classmate that went to work for Hart Association after graduation. He told me about these two powerhouse assistant creative directors who put together an amazing ad campaign for Bradbury Industries and ended up leaving to start their own firm. Did you ever see the Foxx Vodka ad?”

She nodded against his chest. “It was amazing.”

“I did a little more research on some of the projects they worked on and honestly I was impressed. All the clients I had wanted the same exact thing as always. Nothing new, just churn out the same trite campaign that worked last year. It became less about creativity and more about producing the same thing over and over.”

Lacy shivered and he rubbed his hands over her back to warm her up.

“I was bored. Bored of my job. Bored of the same hotel rooms. Bored of the same woman in different cities,” he said. She stiffened against him, but he just ran his hand against her naked skin. Lacy wasn’t the same at all. “Everything was the same. Just different shades of gray.”

“Is everything still gray?” Her words were soft against his chest.

He rolled with her and settled her against the pillows beneath him. Lacy’s hair spread around her head like a dark halo and her dark eyes shone up at him. No woman had ever made him feel this content before, yet excited him at the same time.

“How could it be?” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “There’s browns and golds and berry pink lips.”

She tilted her head as if she would kiss him but stopped. “Are you still bored with everything?”

He lowered his lips to just above hers.

“Never,” he said against her lips. He kissed her slowly like they had all the time in the world to just kiss. Just be in this moment. Him and her. Her hands stroked down his chest and pulled his waist down until his body half rested on hers. He didn’t know if he’d ever get enough of her and that scared him.

He wasn’t the guy for a woman like Lacy. Not for the long haul. He needed change in his life to thrive. Maybe this was an experiment. Maybe he’d fail, but until then. . . .

He relinquished her lips and trailed kisses down her jaw and onto her neck. She gasped as he sucked on the spot between her neck and shoulder. He took his time and tortured the spot with his teeth and tongue and lips until her hips pressed up against his.

He rose up over her and captured her mouth at the same time his hand slipped down over her stomach and between her legs. Her hands curled around his shoulders. He swallowed her moan as his fingers discovered all the hidden secrets she kept from everyone but him. He lifted his head and waited for her eyes to open. Dark pools of brown and gold, filled with lust, stared up at him.

“You could never be boring, Lacy.” His fingers sank into her core and her lips parted as her eyes slid shut. He kissed her. “Open your eyes, little bird. Let me see you fly.”

Her eyes opened and held his. His fingers moved over her and in her. Her hips followed his motions, but she kept her eyes opened and locked on his. She gave herself to him completely every time. No hesitation, no artifice. Just pure, unadulterated Lacy.

Each little gasp and moan made his cock harder and spurred him on. Her hands slipped up to cradle his face. Half frenzied, she searched his eyes. He hoped she saw what she did to him. Her eyes darkened and she arched against him, pressing every inch of her to every inch of him.

“Jonah. Please. I need you.”

The need to claim her as his own swelled within him. To keep this one thing always. To be the one who drove her over the edge and held her while she crashed down to Earth every fucking time. He circled her bundle of nerves. It was the final push she needed. She tightened all around him. Her eyes widened as her mouth opened in a silent scream as she went over the edge.

Her fingers slid into his hair and stroked over his neck. He slowed his movements to help her come down before he reached over for a condom. His lips dropped to hers and he teased her mouth with his tongue before he eased inside her.

She moaned against his lips. He held still for a moment, completely immersed in her. This was what he wanted. This moment when she welcomed him in with her arms open. He broke off the kiss and looked down into her eyes when she opened them. Her eyes were like staring into her soul. She never shut him out. Everything good and right stared back at him as she cradled him between her legs.

“I need you, Lacy.” The words tore out of him from deep inside. If anyone felt like home to him, it was her. “I need you.”

“You have me.” She traced his cheekbone with the gentlest of touches, almost as if she were afraid to break him. “Always.”

His heart lurched in his chest, not knowing if he could be enough for her, but he couldn’t give her up. Not yet. He slowly thrust within her, dragging almost all the way out before sliding in completely. They moved together, eyes locked on each other. The pressure built between them, but he wanted to hold back, to stay in this moment, to feel the way he felt when he was with her forever.

She increased the pace until they both strained for the edge. His name slipped out of her lips on a moan as she came. Her body arched into his like the distance between them was too much. He couldn’t hold back his own release as she dragged him with her. He collapsed over her body, careful not to put all his weight on her. Her arms and legs cradled him, holding him like a lifeline.

“Is it always like this?” She sighed and trailed a hand down his back.

He wanted to tell her yes, that it was always like this, but he knew it would be a lie. He’d never felt like this with any of the other women he’d slept with. Even after he’d been with Lacy, he wanted her again. Needed her again. Couldn’t seem to stop himself from wanting her.

“Sometimes.” He lifted his head and brought his forehead to hers. How could he ever let someone else have her? “But you and me” —he placed his hand over her heart— “always.”
