Page 85 of Not Quite Roommates

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Jonah’s eyes met Lacy’s while a fierce blush rose on her cheeks. A small smile tugged at his lips.

Lacy had spent another night in his bed last night and the sex had been amazing. Jonah should have been satiated, but he just wanted more. But tonight they needed to focus on work.

Morgan had multiple ads up on the whiteboard. Half eaten pizzas and almost empty two-liter bottles of soda littered the conference table.

“That’s what Bradbury says they want. But what Bradbury says they want and what they actually want usually are two different things.” Morgan pointed at the ads she and Drew created for Bradbury before they got fired from Hart Associates. “They say they want sex that smacks you upside your head.”

“But when another firm gave them a full-scale orgy, the product didn’t do well and they came back to us.” Drew opened the ad for Désir perfume. The ad played at a low volume as it was just music. “A missed connection story won out over a torrid office affair ad. They say they want sex, but what they are really looking for is a story and intimacy.”

Lacy’s eyes returned to Jonah. She was probably thinking about the ad they put together two days ago. And not about last night when they’d once again fallen asleep in each other’s arms after he’d exhausted her. A few times he’d had to cover her mouth to keep her noises from alerting Sophie. While Sophie hadn’t seemed to catch on yet, Jonah wasn’t sure she didn’t suspect something. Though with their work schedules, they hadn’t actually seen Sophie the last few days.

Lacy wore another skirt today, and sitting next to her at the conference table tempted him to the point of distraction. He hadn’t taken advantage of her skirt yesterday until they were safely ensconced in his bedroom. No one would notice if he slid his hand beneath her skirt, but they’d all notice Lacy’s reaction. Because her reactions to him were natural, disarming, captivating, and so fucking addictive.

But not for public consumption. His gaze flicked to Logan and Claire across the table.

“For the cologne print ad they had us work on, we gave them two options.” Drew pulled up two images. “One after a formal night out, a man relaxes in a chair with a woman leaning over him. The other image though was much more evocative.”

“We went with the feel of the name of the cologne: Censured. The scent had deep sandalwood notes which helped conjure the image. Our ad had two lovers beneath sheets in a darkened room. Hints of skin. Playing with light and shadow.” Morgan pointed at the second picture. “This is what they went with. The sheets in the dark. No nudity, just hints of skin peeking beneath. Again the main theme of this ad was sex. One hundred percent.”

Everyone laughed.

“But it’s the intimacy that drew people into the image.” Morgan leaned back in her chair and looked around the table. “We have tonight to nail down a concept for their new cologne, Sinful. This is for a thirty second video ad.”

“They came to us for something new and intimate. Yes, they said sex, but what they really want is intimacy.” Drew put his hand over Morgan’s and squeezed. “We have a bottle of Sinful. Pass it around while we clean up from dinner. The sooner we get a concept, the sooner we all go home.”

Everyone stood and started cleaning up. Jonah remained in his seat while Lacy stood up next to him. He didn’t know if he could wait to touch her until he got her home tonight. Whatever time that ended up being. The copy room had been perfect to release the tension the other day. Of course, fewer people were around then too.

Honestly, he’d been surprised she hadn’t protested more. But Lacy constantly surprised him. In very good ways.

Lacy took the bottle of cologne and sprayed some in the air in front of her. Her eyes closed as she leaned in and sniffed delicately. “Hmmm.”

“Do you like it?” Jonah said, glancing around to see who was nearby and who might be listening. Everyone either talked in a small group or headed to the breakroom.

“It smells like warm wood and patchouli.” She handed him the bottle. “It’s nice.”

He held her hand captive as he took the bottle. Looking up at her dark eyes, he sprayed the cologne on her arm.

“Really?” she squeaked and tried to pull her wrist away. “I’m not a man.”

“But I’d still prefer to smell it on you rather than on Logan.” He smiled up at her and drew her wrist to his nose.

“You could have sprayed it on yourself.” She almost rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t hide the heat in them. Not from him.

“It works on you,” he said softly. The smell combined with her peaches scent perfectly. Not releasing her arm, he stood next to her and she tipped her face to look up at him. Her eyes darkened and her tongue darted out to lick her lips. Would she ever be able to hide her reaction to him?

God, he hoped not. Her lips tempted him so damn much. When he got her alone, he could kiss her whenever he liked. It was intoxicating.

They were playing a dangerous game. The lines had begun to blur. If someone happened to look at them, that person would likely realize they were more than just roommates. Not that it posed a problem with work. A rule didn’t exist against them being together. Not like some companies.

But he didn’t want to put thoughts into someone like Logan’s head that Lacy would be open to sex without strings. Of course, no one would know their agreement unless him or Lacy said something.

Honestly, he didn’t want Logan anywhere near Lacy, but that wasn’t his call to make. That was totally up to Lacy. Jonah had only claimed her body, not all of her. Definitely not her heart. He couldn’t hurt her like that.

Lacy bit her lip and stepped back. He fought the urge to step with her. Her eyes held his captive for a moment. She picked up a pizza box from the table and headed into the breakroom.
