Page 96 of Not Quite Roommates

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“Yeah.” Lacy glanced over at Jonah, but he’d returned to his blank expression.

Sophie lifted the coffee mug and took a sip. When she set it down, she said, “So what is this? Because Lacy isn’t the type of girl to just give it up to a hot guy. No matter how hot he is, And I know for damn sure, you aren’t her crush because regardless of how stupid her choices in that category may be, they never overlap.”

Lacy swallowed. Here was her chance to prove she was an adult and not someone that needed protection. But her insides churned and she took a drink of her coffee. Jonah remained quiet, but he was paying attention. She drew in a breath.

“We’re friends, coworkers, and roommates.” She glanced down at her fingernails. “We had an attraction and I wanted to take advantage of it since my only time was with someone who had no regard for my feelings.”

“And he does?” Sophie lifted her eyebrow but didn’t look at Jonah.

“He does,” Jonah said.

His voice drew her eyes to him. Even in yesterday’s clothes, he looked good. He did care about her. Everything he’d done showed he did, but it wasn’t love. Even if it was on her part.

“It’s not like we’re going to fall in love, Sophie.” The words pierced Lacy’s heart even as she said them, but she had to say them. Not only to Sophie, but so Jonah wouldn’t worry she had fallen madly in love with him. “I’m twenty-six years old and it was past time for me to take control of my life.”

Even if it seemed like everything spun slowly out of control. That train she had jumped definitely was going to crash and probably careen off a bridge.

“What about your crush on Logan?” This time Sophie’s eyes did flick over to Jonah for an instant, probably to gauge his reaction.

For her, the crush was completely and utterly gone, but she couldn’t say that in front of Jonah. Lacy having a crush on someone else was supposed to keep her from falling in love with him. She was sure that was the only reason he was still having sex with her.

“What about it?” Lacy shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

“You still trying to start a relationship with that asshat while screwing this asshat?” Sophie didn’t break a smile or anything.

“I know you’re worried about me, Sophie, but honestly, I’m fine.” Lacy wrapped her hands around her mug and gave Sophie a sincere look. “I’m not looking to start a relationship. I’m enjoying the single life like you do.”

“Hmph,” Sophie breathed out and lifted her coffee to her lips. She drank the rest before standing up. “I have to get to work.”

She met Lacy’s eyes again and her narrowed. “You and me are going to have a talk later.”
