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“Are you sure?” He looked up, worried about hurting me.

“Please?” I asked, not caring that we were in an office, or on a couch, I needed him to touch me.

“Brian,” I sighed as he cupped them tighter, the feeling excruciatingly good.

It felt like having every nerve ending in my body spark at the same time when his thumbs grazed over my nipples in the thin lace of my bra. I closed my eyes, not fighting the shiver of pleasure that tore through me when his hands moved to grasp my hips and thrust me against him.

I watched his nostrils flare, and I knew he was trying to decide whether to fuck me here and now or take me somewhere more comfortable. “Here, please, Brian. I’ve missed you so much. Fuck me here, I can’t stand to wait any longer.”

Brian looked at me so intently that I should have felt a moment of fear, but he was Brian, he would never hurt me, not like that. He’d torture me on the cusp of pleasure, take me to a place that felt like pain but also felt like desire, but he’d never, ever physically hurt me out of anger or to humiliate me. I knew that from experience.

I could feel the heat of his body in the small room and yearned to feel his naked skin against mine. Then, he started to pull his shirt off over his head, so I did the same, snatching at the clasp of my bra to undo it while he worked off his boots and jeans. I did the same so that when he came back to me, I was naked and ready for him.

“I’m all yours.” I said and waited, my body screaming for his touch.

“Are you, Mandy?” I saw the grin on his face and smiled.

“All yours, Brian.” I think I knew what I was promising. I think I can handle his life, his lifestyle. It meant I’d be taking a chance to have a family, a real one of my own, and to have a man that wanted me, needed me more than I could have hoped for, if he lived up to his promises.

His hand reached out to grasp at my hip, to pull me back into him with nothing between us this time. Just air between him on his knees, and me sprawled on the couch, ready to wrap my legs around his waist. I felt how ready he was for me as a length of hard and hot flesh. He thrust his hips, to slide around the slick folds of skin between my thighs, making me moan with pleasure as he stroked nerve endings that had waited too long to be touched.

But I wanted to touch him first. I sat up to take him into my hand stroking him until I felt him shiver.

“Mandy.” He gasped my name. “Don’t make me come yet.”

“I won’t, I just want a taste of you, Brian. I haven’t tasted you for so long.

I tugged at him until he stood up and letting me have what I wanted, for now. I sighed as his hot flesh slid between my lips, my hand stroking him as he pulled back out.

“Fuck, Mandy. Don’t stop.”

I could listen to that sound all day long, on repeat, if I could capture it as an audio file. I’d never get anything done, though, so it was best not to try. For now, I flicked at the head of his cock with my tongue, teasing him on his way back into my mouth.

“You have to stop soon, Mandy. You know I love fucking your mouth too much.” He said as I sucked at him, moving in time with the jut of his hips. My hands moved as he took over the pace, going around to dig my nails into his ass, giving him that taste of pain I knew he loved so much.

He was so close but that was fine with me. I wanted him to know I was willing to give up my own pleasure for his, wanted him to know that this would be a partnership. There were other ways to get me off besides fucking and I enjoyed every one of them.

I thought he was going to let me finish him there, but he pulled away at the last second, taking his dick with him. “I want to fuck you, not your mouth. Later, I’ll fuck that pretty mouth, but right now, I want to be inside you, with nothing between us.”

He pulled me off the couch to walk me to a wall. Once we were there, Brian pressed me into the wall, entering me as my legs wrapped around his waist.

I bit into his shoulder as I felt him fill me, the sensation better than I remembered.

Brian thrust into me, his arms a vice around me as he fucked me hard and fast, both of us too eager to get off to go slow.

“You’re mine, Mandy.” Brian whispered huskily as he pounded into my hungry body, and I felt a deep pulse inside of me in response.

I loved the way he made his claim on me, not just by fucking me, but with his words. He wanted me, all of me, and he didn’t want to share. That always appeased some primal urge in me, that wanted to be claimed.

He wanted me. He needed me. I was his.

When his hand slid between our bodies to find the spot that always made me shiver in pleasure, I came apart. His lips ground into mine as my body jerked against him, my inner walls swallowing around him. The surges of pleasure didn’t stop as he continued to plunge into me, they only intensified, prolonging the moment for me until I thought I’d pass out or die from pleasure.

I heard him growl when his he stopped kissing me, and nearly growled myself when his lips moved down to my neck. Pleasure flared back into life when his teeth grazed the tender skin there, as I felt a slight tinge of pain where his hands dug into my ass as he fucked me hard against the wall, determined to get his own pleasure.

I went with him as he slipped over the edge, my nails clawing at his shoulders and down his back. I forgot myself, forgot existence as he did something to me I’ve never felt before. He loved me as no other man had ever loved me before. He came inside of me, giving himself completely to me with no barrier between us. His lips came back to mine, came up to groan into my mouth as he surged inside of me one last time.

Brian stumbled back to the couch with me in his arms. Gently, he sat down to hold me against him, with me wrapped around him tightly.
