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Big Trouble

Rick was kissing me.In front of Seth and Parker. In my panic room, where we were stuck until someone came to save us.

I should have been struggling. After all, he hadn’t asked permission, and he hadn’t said please. We sure as hell weren’t in any sort of relationship where he could just steal a kiss whenever he wanted.

Especially with the way he was kissing me, his hands iron grips on my arm and neck, his tongue demanding that I open up to him.

I should have been fighting, screaming… but my body knew what it wanted, and even before my mind could catch up, I was kissing him back. Rick might have been ten years older than me, but he was strong, his body sexy hard slabs of muscle and sinew, and he was...

In charge. I think that’s what it was. He knew what he needed to do and got it done.

And wasn’t taking shit from me any longer. Which strangely turned me on.

I guess as a pop star, where people are kissing your ass day and night because they stand to make some money off you, no one is real. No one tells you the truth. Everyone tells you that you look wonderful, are wonderful. Even your shit smells wonderful.

They don’t tell you when you’re in the wrong, because they are afraid to. No more sucking at the teat of endless pop star money. You’re back at square one, cast out into the street alone, to find someone else to sponge off of.

I guess that was why I’d become such a bitch over the years. Yeah, it was nice for a while when people were always telling you how great you were. But if you had even half a brain, it didn’t take long to figure out they were just blowing smoke up your ass to get what they wanted. I could get hit by a car tomorrow and ninety percent of these people wouldn’t show up at my fucking funeral.

But Rick and his guys, well they were different.

Always kind but firm in what they wanted me to do. Always took the time to explain what was going on, and then made it clear it was their way or the highway. And now that the pressure was on in a way it had never been—I mean, had someone invaded my goddamn home?—they were all business.

That meant they were about done with my bratty bullshit.

As evidenced by Rick’s exasperated kiss.

He was done. Just done. And I didn’t blame him. I was pretty much done with myself, too.

As I surrendered into him, his hands relaxed, slipping around my body and stroking my back as I draped my arms around his neck, kissing him back as deeply as he was kissing me. And god that man could kiss. His tongue knew exactly what to do, entwining and rolling with mine as he bent down, lifting me in his powerful arms and carrying me to the bed.

“Jesus. Look at Rick. Whatcha doing there, buddy?” Seth asked, his voice low and gravelly.

Rick dropped me on the bed, and the cat and dog scrambled to the other side of the room where they went back to sleep.


“I am giving Lacey what she needs,” he said, helping himself to a seat on the bed.

My bed.

How the fuck would he know what I needed? I started to scoot off the bed to join my animals on the other side of the room but, with one arm, Rick caught me and pulled me to his lap, flipped me over his knees, and pushed my head down until my ass was in the air.

What. The. Fuck.

Fine. I could kind of understand this. He was fed up with my shit. Hell, I was fed up with my shit. But enough was enough.

“Okay, Rick, I get the message. You can let me go now. I’ll keep my big mouth shut,” I said, squirming under his iron grip.

“Yeah. It’s a little late for that, Lacey. And now I think you need to be given a lesson in respect. But I’m not just talking about respecting your security team. Although you should, because if we weren’t here, you’d probably be dead right now.”

He paused and I looked over at Seth, who I could swear had a big bulge in the crotch of his pants.

Fucking perv.

Rick smoothed his hand over my ass again.
