Page 24 of One Little Victory

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I’d been quiet too long. I was officially the weird creeper guy with the staring fetish. On the way home, I might as well stop and pick up a pair of binoculars and night vision goggles. But she hadn’t looked away either, her eyes slipping so effortlessly under my mask, to see me. I needed to shut this down and keep my eyes on the end game, not her.

“I can’t dance,” I said, taking a step back and running a hand through my hair.

“So what? I can’t sing.” She shrugged and stepped around me, her eyes shifting towards the water. “Seriously, I can’t carry a tune at all. My brother teased that my voice is a mix between nails on a chalkboard and dying insects.”

“Ouch. Remind me never to sing karaoke with you.”

“Definitely. I don’t do karaoke. My singing stays in the shower.”

I bit my tongue to keep from responding, but it didn’t stop another body part from rising to the occasion. Thankfully, Addison was two steps ahead of me, giving me precious seconds to press my palm against my cock, willing it to behave as I imagined her naked, wet, and covered with slippery bubbles.

She glanced over her shoulder and winked, stepping through the overgrown grass and back on the path toward the front of the house.

“Lucky for you, I’m halfway decent at dancing. I can’t begin to tell you how many shagging awards my grandparents have won over the years. I might even have a place for us to practice. It’s nice to know you have more than one flaw, Simon Kelly.”

“More than one?” I took three strides forward, catching up with her and rubbing the back of my neck. She passed the tablet to me and pulled out her phone, fiddling with something as she walked up the front steps.

“Yes, we’re in. Let’s see what I have to work with.” The front door opened with an ominous squeak, and she stepped inside, both of us taking in the open space and natural light pouring through the windows.

Addison nodded and cocked her hip to the side as she looked around, muttering and tapping her finger on her chin. The dated furniture did nothing to showcase the house’s appeal, and while she walked toward the kitchen, I took out my phone and stylus, sketching out a basic layout of the rooms.

My design work had been pushed to the back-burner, rarely taken out except the nights I suffered insomnia or had one too many gin martinis. But now, my stylus swiped between blank pages as I explored the house, ideas flowing freely like a long-dormant part of my brain had woken up because Addison was my very own red-headed muse.

Strange.I leaned against an exposed wooden beam, listening to her footsteps pad across the hardwood floors, then up the stairs.

She talked to herself and paced the house for a solid half-hour, and we both sort of existed in this space of comfortable silence. I’d hear a random word like crown molding or central air, then a huff and a stomp as she moved to a different part of the house.

My cock continued to act like he had a mind of his own as I thought about dancing with her, our sweaty bodies pressed together. I widened my stance and adjusted myself, trying to get it to at least lay against my leg instead of poking through my damn pants. This arrangement, or whatever the fuck it was, would never work if I was a walking hard-on. Nothing had held my interest like Addison. She’d flipped a switch inside me, and I had no clue how to handle it.


I turned my head toward her voice like I’d been caught jerking-off or some shit. She had my jacket pulled tight across her body, and the collar flipped against her neck. Damnit. I neglected to think about how cold it’d be in here. I pulled her tight to me and wrapped my arms around her waist. Her whole body tensed, and I second-guessed myself until my hands snaked up her back and one rested on the nape of her neck. She was freezing, and I pulled her tighter, feeling the moment she melted into me.

Fuck, she feels good.

“Where have you been?” I asked, tilting her head to look at me.

“The balcony overlooking the master bedroom. I didn’t realize how strong the breeze was until I started shivering, but I’m always cold.”

I shook my head at her carelessness and bit my tongue from making a snide comment.

“Let’s get you warm.” I left no room in my voice for questions, and she nodded, letting me lead her back to the foyer.

She locked the front door with whatever app was on her phone, and it took every ounce of strength I had not to throw her over my shoulder like a caveman and run to my car. Still, I pressed my hand to her back, a little firmer than necessary, leading her down the stairs.

“What do you do in the winter?” I asked when she was settled on the passenger’s side with the seat warmer on full blast.

“I don’t travel up north.”

“Smart move.” I glanced at the dash, wondering how the hell she felt like an icicle when it was sixty-three degrees outside. “About this dating thing—”

“Dumb idea, right?” Her voice had lost the confident bravado, stopping the retort I had for yet another interruption. I took my eyes off the road to see her looking at her lap like she was ready for my rejection. I wanted to tell her the only thing I rejected was the idea of us being fake, but for the sake of my two left feet, I’d keep my mouth shut and my dick contained.

“Not at all, Pop Rock. That could work. We could be seen out together and do a few events. Fair warning, though. Once my parents find out, they’ll insist on meeting you.”

“Yeah, um, about parents. My mom dropped one too many truth bombs on me yesterday, and I might have already told her we were dating.”

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