Page 36 of One Little Victory

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My lips.

I stared captivated at the mark I left on his pale skin until my eyes drifted to the left, and I saw a smudge of red.

His shirt. He’d left it on.

The shirt he’d worn this afternoon was underneath his button-down. The one I’d run my hands over. The one I’d bunched and wrinkled when I grabbed his arms, pulling him closer.

He’d left it on, like he wanted me to know how much I affected him.

Fuck. I’m out of my league.

“What the fuck were you thinking not wearing any panties?” he hissed, closing the distance and grabbing my hip, harshly jerking me against him. All remnants of the playful, teasing man were gone, replaced by someone consumed by lust and want.

“Maybe I wasn’t thinking,” I breathed. I focused on the steady tap of his leather shoe against the marble, the sound like a metronome matching my heartbeat. “Or maybe I’m thinking clearly.”

“Well, which one is it, Addison?” He trailed a finger down my bare arm, and goosebumps followed as his warm breath tickled my ears.

His voice had changed to a low, seductive timber, and I leaned closer. Maybe it was him using my name, or perhaps the last adrenaline from this afternoon running through my veins. But I knew deep down it wasn’t either. It was him. The magnetic pull drew me closer, and it was time to stop fighting. I had a surprise for him, something I brought with me and tucked in my bra, in case something like this happened. Like my body knew what it wanted long before my brain did.

Running a finger across my collarbone and down my décolletage, I dipped underneath my dress and into the cup of my bra, pulling out a pink scrap of lace. It was barely two strings held together by the smallest triangle, but when I stretched my hand out to Simon and offered it to him, any lingering flecks of gray left in his eyes went black.

He snatched the panties from my fingers and brought them to his face, inhaling deeply before shoving them in his front pocket and slamming his lips to mine. This was nothing like earlier in the afternoon. Nothing like curious exploration or teasing touches. This was positively predatory. With every stroke of his tongue, he fought for control, and I refused to give it up, loving the feral sounds escaping his lips, as he sucked and licked the inside of my mouth like a man possessed.

Speak of the devil, and the devil appears.

Nothing—nothing was better than the hisses and groans he made as he attacked my mouth, fisting one hand in my hair and using the other to pin my hips in place. I could feel him hardening in his slacks, and I desperately wanted to move, to grind, to bring him closer so we could have blessed relief from the tension that’d been brewing since the night we met.

He pulled back, his lips blazing a path down my neck, lapping and sucking my skin like he was trying to mark me as I’d marked him. One hand slipped underneath my dress, traveling up my thigh, and I was helpless to stop the moan that left my lips. Simon chuckled into my neck, tickling the inside of my thigh with the pads of his fingers.

“Eager are we, Pop Rock?”

“I have no problem getting myself off if you’re not up to the challenge,” I panted, pushing away his hand.

He growled, and this feral, inhuman sound bubbled up from his chest and slipped past his lips. He slapped my hand aside and pinned both mine in his, backing me up against the nearest bookcase. A leather-bound book fell with a clatter, but this time, the noise was the last thing on my mind because Simon held both hands above my head and grabbed my thigh, wrapping it around his waist.

“I am up to the challenge,” he said, ramming his hips into my core and causing me to gasp out loud with the sensation. “You will clench around my fingers and whimper my name, but the second you move your hands, I’m going to stop. Understand?”

I nodded in anticipation, but he shook his head, rocking his hips into mine again so my dress hitched dangerously high on my thighs. I could feel him throbbing through his slacks, and my eyes went wide when I saw the massive hard-on trying to break free of its confines.

“I need your words, honey.”

He released the hold over my body, and I lowered my leg but kept my hands raised above my head. Meeting his eyes, I spread my legs apart and licked my lips. “I won’t move until I come. Until you make me come. Until I feel you fill me. My only request is you don’t give me pleasure without taking yours. Let me feel you, Simon.”

The air in the room thickened, and he leaned forward, kicking my legs further apart. “Perfect,” he rasped. His shoulders fell, and the tension melted from his body as he slowly worshiped the skin on my neck with his tongue. He traced the tendons where my neck met my shoulder and nipped the skin, soothing it with his lips before starting the process over again.

It was maddening, agonizing, not being able to touch him, to pull him to me, to fist his hair and rip his shirt off so I could feel his chest pressed to mine. I closed my eyes, desperately trying to be present and not long for what would happen next, for what he would do next.

I arched into him, and let the sensations wash over me. His breathing got heavier as his hands stroked down my side, and he bunched my dress in his fists, lifting the satin so it gathered at my hips.

I felt the soft material of his slacks against my thighs, then the cool air hit my pussy, and I opened my eyes as he took a step back and ran a hand over his face, then through his hair. I was trapped within his gaze, and I’d be lying if I denied how much it thrilled me.

“Fucking gorgeous,” he purred again in a low timbre, dripping with sex appeal that would have my panties soaked if I were wearing any. “What a clever girl you are. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to resist this bare pussy.”

I sucked in a breath as his hands continued their slow trek up my body, finally approaching my breasts, where he caressed them over the thin material of my dress. “Look at me, Addison,” he ordered, and I complied, confronted with the sight of his eyes boring into mine. “I want to see your eyes as I make you come with my fingers. You’re going to watch.”

His words were a promise whispered against my skin as his thumbs ran over my nipples and his hands moved down to my hips. I bit back a husky moan, my eyes suddenly darting to the door, remembering where we were.

“Do you like that?” he asked, fingers circling the outline of my pussy, feeling how wet I was for him. “Knowing where we are, that we might get caught, that you’ll have to hold back from moaning too loudly?”

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