Page 69 of A Million to Stay

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Chapter 29

Missed Steps


Another night, another date. Once again, dinner was amazing, as it has been on the last few dates we’ve been on. I’m reluctant each time Brodi comes to sweep me off my feet, but I also know this is what I told him to do. To work for my heart if that’s what he truly wants.

Yet, my emotional and mental states are as conflicted as ever about cracking open the door. Perhaps I should’ve placed a lock and dead bolt on it because Brodi seems to be pushing it open no matter what I think I want.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are this evening?” His velvety voice pulls me from my thoughts.

He reaches to stretch and twirl a lock of hair around his finger. I’d spent hours trying to flat iron it, but I couldn’t get it anywhere near as immaculate as my girl back home. In the end, I wet it down with water and conditioner and let my curls spring back to life.

“You’ve said it a few times,” I reply.

“I like your hair better this way. It’s like you. It looks one way to the eye but reveals so much more to the touch,” he says.

His words tug at something deep within. Our eyes lock and I can tell he wants to lean in for a kiss. I haven’t allowed things to go that far.

I’ve been doing a better job of keeping my wits about me. At least, I’m trying my best to do better at keeping my wits about me. The smoldering look in his gray eyes at the moment threatens all my sanity. I force myself to turn away from him and the energy swirling between us.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask as I look out the window of the SUV.

“I thought we could take a stroll,” he replies as we come to a stop.

Brodi opens his door to step out, reaching back in to help me exit the vehicle as well. The first thing to assault my senses is the ocean air. The saltiness settles on my tongue and burns my nostrils.

My wild curls whip around my face. I can’t help the smile that comes to my lips as I remember our trip to Rockaway Beach—what seems like forever ago. It was a summer night, but the breeze off the ocean and bay made the night cool.

Brodi had taken off his shirt to cover me as we walked the shore. I still remember that night because it was the first time he told me he loved me. I look out at the water and wonder if he thought of that night before bringing me here. It’s a night I haven’t allowed myself to think about in such a long time.

“You remember, don’t you?” he says, calling me out of my thoughts.

“Remember what?” I feign ignorance, not turning for him to look into my eyes.

He pinches my chin and turns my face to him, causing my gaze to lift to his. There’s a softness to his eyes that I’m not expecting. It pulls at my heart. Another ribbon floats from around it up into the sky.

I’m deathly afraid that when all the fibers holding my heart together fall away, they’ll reveal a bleeding heart that can’t be repaired. As if reading my mind, Brodi places his free hand over my chest. I allow my lids to fall closed as his lips touch my forehead.

“I meant it then and I mean it now. I love you, Cee. My heart will forever belong to you,” he says against my skin.

I nod, as it’s all I can do not to fall apart right here. Seemingly sensing my need for a reprieve, Brodi starts to take his shoes off. He holds my hand to steady me so I can do the same.

Handing our shoes to Ethan, he then wraps an arm around me and leads us onto the sand. We walk along the shoreline in silence.

Even though I know his security surrounds us, I feel like we’re the only ones around. I don’t know when it happens, but I let my guard down. I lean into his warmth and rest my head on his chest as we walk.

More memories flood me. The memories of all of the things that led me to fall for him. The safe moments in our past.

“I’ve dreamed of walking out here with you a million times before. I’d come out here to think and thoughts of you would fill my head,” he says into the silence.

I don’t reply. I want to enjoy the moment a little longer, not think about the reasons he had to think about me instead of being with me. The breeze blows my dress around my legs as the water kisses my toes. These are the things I allow to ground me.

“I’d dream of our wedding day. Right on a beach like this. You walking toward me, taking my breath away,” he continues.

“A man can dream, right?” I snort cynically.

“Yes, he can and if he’s determined enough, he’ll make that dream come true,” he replies.
