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Though it was exhilarating with Brandon lying next to me last night until late, I wake the following morning with a bizarre knot like something terrible is coming.

Maybe I’m still on edge about what happened at his home. I also haven’t found my sketchbook.

It was my favorite. Unfinished, too.

What a bummer.

So many sketches lost, including my first ones of Brandon.

Sitting up in bed, I stretch my hands over my head while yawning. My eyes flick to the painting on the chair. The artistic representation of my relationship with Brandon puts a smile on my face.

I look forward to handing it to Ms. Jung and receiving her feedback.

Tossing the sheet aside, I get up to ready for school, joining Dad for breakfast shortly.

“Morning, Dad,” I say, entering the kitchen.

“Hey, baby girl. Made scrambled eggs and toast. Macaroons, too.” He places two plates on the table.

“Thank you.” I pour orange juice for myself and coffee for Dad.

He sips a little after I set the mug before him.

“You know, I was thinking of ways to grow the bakery. Add more options.”

I bob in agreement. “That’s a great idea. What do you have in mind?”

“More vegan stuff,” he says, spreading cream cheese on his toast. “Right now, all we have are bagels and macaroons. I want to do vegan muffins, cookies; you name it.”

I can’t help but smile as I observe the joy in his features.

“What?” Dad asks before taking a bite.

“Just thinking how much you love that place.”

“Hm.” He chuckles and drinks his coffee. “I’ll probably run the bakery until I’m a very old Grandpa.”

I snort. “I bet you will. And when you no longer have the strength, I’ll take over, hire someone great.”

He clucks his tongue. “For a moment there, I thought you were going to say that you’d run it for your old man someday.”

Doreen wanted to.

Strange how I’m considering less and less of what my sister would expect of me. I’ve been thinking more about my desires.

Dad reaches over, giving my arm a loving squeeze. “You don’t have to do that for me. You’re passionate about art. That’s your calling, and I’m very proud of you.”

His remarks pull a smile out of me. “Thank you, Daddy.”

We resume eating.

Brandon shows up just as we finish.

Dad offers him a small bag of macaroons, and they chat while I grab my painting and the academy jacket since the weather is chilly today.

Brandon is also wearing his burgundy jacket. He looks more studious and handsome.
