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My phone buzzes again as I’m about to put it back in my bag.

I’m a little surprised to see the picture on the screen, considering she hasn’t been taking my calls.

“Natalie?” I answer in a question.

“Oh my gosh, Kay!” she shrieks. “I’m so sorry!”

“What are you talking about?” I urge, growing nervous.

“Kay…you don’t know? Your dad’s place! I just passed it on my way to school. The bakery got trashed!”

“What?” I shoot to my feet, ignoring all the stares.

“Someone broke in,” Natalie sputters. “The windows are busted!”

“Oh, no…” I end the call while she’s in the middle of spewing more dramatics.

My blood’s pumping fast.

Anxiety is skyrocketing.

“Kayla, what is it?” Brandon questions. He’s on his feet before me.

“I-I have to go,” I stutter, grabbing my things.

“Kayla?” Sam and Rajid stand, both riddled with worry.

I hear them speed-walking behind me as I scurry from the room and head toward the exit.

Brandon stays at my side, trying to get me to calm down. “Talk to me, babe.”

“I have to go to the bakery,” I spew frantically.

“My dad...” I can’t imagine what he’s feeling at that moment. We were just talking about the place earlier.

A strong arm grips mine. I know it’s Brandon. The force of him is always electrifying.

He tows me to his car and secures me in the seat because I’m beside myself and can’t think straight.

Sam and Rajid hang back at the entrance, watching us in confusion.

Brandon takes off from school. He reaches West Heights in no time.

As we near the strip where my dad’s bakery is, I spot police up ahead.

Shit turns even more real.

Brandon pulls over, and I hurry from the car, piercing through the crowd of onlookers.

Tears spill down my face at the state of the bakery. Smashed windows. The main door is busted. The counters and register as well. It’s a disaster.

I suppose the firemen are here to make sure there’s no gas damage from the ovens in the back.

Frantic, I skim the crowd for Dad, heart leaping when I see him talking to a cop.

“Daddy!” I push through toward him.

Dad scowls at me and bunches his shoulders. “Kay, what are you doing here? I didn’t want you to see this.”
