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“What’s your address?” Brandon questions.

I purse my lips and glare at him. “As if I want you knowing where I live. The bus stop is good.”

He releases a scary growl and leans back in his seat, not leaving.

“I’ll walk then.” I turn to open the door.

The central lock clicks.

There’s no way to exit without reaching over him.

I’m a hostage in Brandon’s car.

“What the hell!” I snap my head to him. “Let me out.”

“I’m being nice, Kayla, when I could be so much worse.” The twisted tinge in his deep voice does something indescribable when it shouldn’t.

“Fine,” I grumble. “You already know I live in West Heights. I’ll direct you to my house.”

Brandon smirks in satisfaction and pulls onto the road once the coast is clear.

I stare out the window at all the boutiques and restaurants, avoiding the naughty nudge in my mind that wants to glance at Brandon.

“So,” he breaks the silence. “What did you paint today, little artist?”

“We had a theme.” My voice is flat.

“Which is?” He genuinely sounds interested in my art.

I look at him as I answer, “Defiance.”

Brandon briefly glances at me. “I bet you painted the best work in the entire class.”

I cross my arms, watching his face while I ask, “Why do you say that?”

He moistens his lips before speaking. “Well, you’re saturated in it.”

Sucking my teeth, I retort with a harsh, “Whatever.”

That propels him to look at me again.

A soft gasp trickles from my lips at the momentary figment of vulnerability. It evaporates just as fast.

Silence immerses the car again, and I start to wonder about the guy.

Why does he hate contact?

Perhaps there’s more beneath the shroud of darkness, where the real Brandon is hidden. After all, he’s giving me a ride home. Albeit, he sort of pushed me.

But Doreen used to say there’s always a story.

People are just hurt.

I set aside what I witnessed in the garden the day before and attempt a normal conversation. “Um, your sister doesn’t go home with you?” It’s the best I can do.

“No. Our mom picks her up for ballet class.”

“Oh. Good for her.” No wonder Britney is so slender and poise.
