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Brandon doesn’t ask anything in return. I feel a tad uneasy, so I decide to bring up the party. “Sam told me about Heath Turner’s party on Friday. Are you going?”

He cuts to me for a second, enough to rattle my nerves. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Excuse you?” I remark in surprise. “Am I not welcomed at the rich kids’ parties?”

Brandon clicks his tongue. “I said don’t go.”

Offended, I fold my arms again. “How dare you. We don’t know each other like that. I am going to the party, so screw you.”

Face hardening, Brandon rumbles but doesn’t utter another word.

My heart rate climbs as I regard his knuckles, turning pale from tightly squeezing the steering wheel.

What the hell is up with this guy?

Minutes later, Brandon veers down the side street and comes to a stop at the address I gave him.

“Thank you,” I mumble and reach around for my painting.

“I’ll give you a ride tomorrow.”

“That’s fine,” I refuse. “My dad drops me off and picks me up after school. Today’s the only day he was unable to.” Liar. “But, thanks.”

Brandon’s eyes twitch as if he detects the lie.

Looking out the windshield, he hits me with a straight-faced and biting, “Goodbye.”

“Sheesh. Bye then.” I hurry from the car and enter the yard. It’s a good thing the homeowners don’t have a guard dog.

A little after Brandon peels off, I tread down the sidewalk to my real home.

Momma knocks and enters my room. Like a kid sneaking candy, I quickly close the sketchbook, hiding the drawing of Brandon. Gosh, what’s up with me?

“How’s it going, Kay?” she asks, leaning against the dresser. She’s still in her green scrubs, just returning from the hospital.

“Good. The academy is as I imagined.”

Her warm smile barely reaches her tired earth-tone eyes. “I know you’ll need supplies soon, as well as a new easel. Malcolm and I will buy those. Think you can hold out for a week or so?”

I nod, even though the mini paint kit provided by the academy is already running low. “Yeah. I can manage.”

Momma relaxes her shoulders. “Made any new friends?”

“Two so far. Sam and Rajid. They’re pretty cool.”

“Good. I’m glad.” She straightens and massages the back of her neck. “Sometimes, kids from that kind of life can be a lot. So if anyone treats you differently or tries to bully you—”

“Don’t worry, Momma.” I smile for assurance. “I’m fine. No one’s mean to me.” So far, only that intentional bump in the hallway and a few low giggles. But I can handle it.

Tension leaves her gorgeous face. “All right. Well, I’m just checking in with my baby girl.”

“I know. Night, Momma. Get some rest.”

She snorts. “That’s my line. Night, honey. Love you.” She blows me a kiss before stepping out of my room, closing the door behind her.

Immediately, I re-open my sketchbook and go right back to drawing Brandon Decker.

Yep, I’m officially mesmerized by the arrogant guy.
