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Her head goes up and down in a slow manner. “Other than Britney, you’re probably the first girl he’s ever given a ride home.” She squints, observing me with a sneaky expression.

“What?” I ask on a chuckle.

“Nothing.” She returns to painting her nails.

I decide to switch the topic. “Anyway. What’s up with you and Rajid? Is it only friendship?”

Sam gnaws at her bottom lip, hiding a smile. “Um, he’s…” She tilts her head back, eyes closed. “Okay. He’s been my crush since we were kids. I’ve never liked any other guy.”

“Have you two ever gone on a date?”

“No.” Her smile wavers as she stares into space. “I don’t think Rajid wants that. I feel like he’s scared of ruining our friendship. So he won’t cross the line.”

I frown, feeling bad for Sam. “You know what? Maybe he needs a little push.”

“Like what?”

“Some motivation.” I wiggle my brows. “Breadcrumbs, Sam. Boys can’t always figure things out. Give Rajid a hint that you want more.”

Her shoulders droop in her apprehension. “I don’t have the courage, Kayla.”

I bump her arm. “When you want something, you go after it. If it doesn’t work, at least you’ll know you tried.” One of my sister’s quotes.

Sam pauses as if absorbing my words. After a beat, her smile resurfaces. “I’ll give it a go.”


We giggle together, then resume applying nail polish while sharing about our lives.

“Are you an only child like me?” Sam queries.

Sorrow threatens to overwhelm me at her question. But I force it down, thinking of the good memories. “Um, I had a sister.”

Her cheerfulness falters bit by bit. “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“No, it’s all right.” I look at my matte polish. “Doreen. My older sister. She died in an accident four years ago.”

Sam grasps my hand, giving it a tender squeeze. It seems like a natural response. I’m glad she doesn’t inquire more about Doreen, though.

Wanting to reclaim the good mood, I ask, “You listen to Kpop?”

“Hell yeah!” Her features brighten again. “Oh my gosh, Kayla McNeil! You’ve officially solidified this friendship.”

Sam skims through her playlists, and we discuss which groups we listen to the most.

My body feels as if it has relaxed even more since Monday. It’s a relief that I won’t be alone at the academy.
