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“Oops!” A short blonde smacks into me on purpose, spilling water on my shirt. She pulls her mouth to one side, then offers a fake apology. “Sorry. Didn’t see you.”

“Yeah, cause I’m invisible,” I throw back, swatting at my wet chest.

Her friend giggles as they continue by, only to come to a sudden pause.

I slant, preparing to go off should they attempt something else.

My body lights up at the sight of Brandon, standing before them with a dark veil over his face.

He levels his frightening gaze on the blonde. “Volleyball requires both hands, right? It’d be such a shame if something happened to yours.”

The girls gasp at the implication in his chilling tone, and I marvel at how easily he makes threats.

“Don’t do that again,” he warns, tone deep and harsh.

“So-sorry,” the girl stutters in fear, then dashes off with her friend.

Brandon flicks to me.

A chill worms down my backbone from his absorbing blue mass of intrigue.

Lowering to my shirt, he says, “Go in the sun.”

“I already had that idea,” I grumble, and tread from the corridor into the small garden. I pluck a napkin from my backpack to dab at my shirt.

“Ugh. These chicks…” At least it’s water. Sunlight will dry it enough by my next class.

“So evidently, people are messing with you,” Brandon says at my back, startling me. “I could take care—”

“I told you, I can handle it. And why did you threaten the girl? Sheesh. She looked frightened.”

He arches his thick brows, asking, “Did I scare you, too?”

“As if. It takes a lot to terrify me.” Lies. I’m terrified right now from the strong feeling rising within as we stand feet apart.

My remark causes Brandon to slope his head to one side, analyzing me carefully. “So damn fearless.”

“As I’ve said, no one will have power over me.”

“Right.” Eyes ever observant, he slowly nods as if he’s impressed. “Is your dad picking you up today?” His question isn’t without sarcasm. “Or is Sam driving you home?”

“What’s it to you?” I shift to a brighter area so the shirt will dry faster. At a discreet glance at Brandon again, I shudder from the way he’s watching me.

“Those girls got the message. No one else will bother you,” he concludes. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Why do you care?” I attempt to sound indifferent. He smirks as if he knows I appreciate it. “Anyway. I can stand up for myself.”

I’m about to move to another part of the garden but stop in an afterthought. “And what’s with steering me from Heath’s party when you’re not even going?”

Lines appear in his forehead as his expression turns dark yet again. “You’re not either.”

“Is that so?” I rest my hands on my hips and lean to one side. “Yeah, I am. You can’t stop me.”

Brandon huffs and shoves his hands into his pockets. “Have you always been so defiant?”

“Yes.” Without a second thought, I say, “You should go to the party. I dare you.”
