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Yes, I know he has pain in him.

What I’m trying to understand is if it’s the reason for Brandon’s dread of contact. But he shoved Heath just now. Looked like he was about to beat the crap out of him, too.

Ms. Jung is impressed with my river and garden artwork in today’s class. And I’m relieved I scored an A for the painting I had to redo.

I receive a lot of stares throughout the class and the ones before, and I’m sure it’s because Brandon claimed me in public that morning.

It’s mostly nasty looks from girls, and they don’t ease up as I make my way towards the exit following the final period.

I spot Rajid and Sam waiting at the main entrance.

“The word is out, Kayla,” Sam splutters, bouncing in the spot. “It’s all over the school that you and Brandon are a thing.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” I murmur.

Rajid frowns with displeasure. “He’s pretty much placed you in the line of fire.”

“No one will mess with her. They’re too scared of Brandon.” She giggles. “I still can’t believe he claimed you like that, no hesitation. That’s so bold.” She throws a look at Rajid.

Irritated, he pulls his mouth to one side and fidgets with his bag on his shoulder.

I wonder what his issue is with Brandon.

“We didn’t make that decision together,” I repeat. “I haven’t even agreed to be his girlfriend. Then again, he didn’t ask.”

Sam playfully bumps my arm. “But you’re spending time together. So...”

I don’t respond, only shrug.

We continue from the building.

It seems I have zero control over my heart. Because it fricking revs up the instant I glimpse Brandon standing by his car, having a conversation with Eric.

“Someone saw Heath leaving school earlier,” Rajid mutters, pulling back my attention. “Looked like he was hurting. Did Brandon attack him?”

“Um, well…” My mind wanders to the altercation. “Heath was disrespectful.”

“Then he deserved it,” Sam concludes, uncaring.

Rajid clucks his tongue. “Yeah, he’s another asshole. But nothing warrants Brandon going off on anyone like that. He’s a ticking time bomb, Kayla.”

I glance across to Brandon again.

Eric nods in my direction, and my stomach flaps when Brandon slants and looks at me. He gestures for me to come on.

“See you guys tomorrow,” I say to my friends.

“All right. Text me if you want to talk.” Sam flashes a smile before sauntering toward her blue BMW.

Rajid stalls behind. “Kayla, listen...”

“Kayla!” Brandon yells.

Kids pause with intrigue.

Voices fall to a hushed volume as they watch me.

“Dammit.” I spin around, discerning the stern look on Brandon’s face, and the murder glare meant for Rajid. “Relax.” I shake my head and turn back to Rajid, asking, “What were you going to say?”
