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Brandon ignored my text last night.

I could have sworn I glimpsed his dark frame climbing in through the window. But I was too hazy with sleep, and when I woke, the window was closed. No hint of his scent lingered in my room like last time. Maybe it was a dream.

Annoyance further builds when he’s late to pick me up.

My phone rings as Dad and I are heading to the car.

“If that’s your boyfriend, it’s his first strike,” Dad declares before getting in the driver’s side.

I answer the phone with a scowl. “I never got the vibe you were the kind of person to bail on me.”

Brandon sighs heavily. “I’m sorry. I had a long night. Okay if your dad drives you this morning?” There’s a sad twinge in his raspy voice.

“Pfft. That was the plan, to begin with,” I grumble.

“I’ll see you at school. Sorry again.”

“It’s fine.” I roll my eyes and end the call. I can’t believe I’m more upset that he didn’t come over last night. Why should it matter? Unless I’m actually warming up to the idea of him being my boyfriend.

The thought plagues my mind even as I reach school. Brandon’s car isn’t in the parking lot.

I wave to Dad and mosey inside to the lockers. I’m swapping books when Rajid comes over, seeming troubled.

“Have you heard?” he sputters.

Confusion causes me to scrunch up my face. “Heard what?”

He tightens his jaw. “Heath is in the hospital.”

My eyes expand in shock. “What happened? Is he okay? It couldn’t have been from Brandon shoving him.”

“Heath was the victim of a hit-and-run last night.”

“Oh my god!” I press my hand at my heart. “That’s horrible. How’s his condition?”

Rajid sighs. “Thankfully, he’s stable.” He pauses a beat, then adds, “Kayla, someone saw him arguing with Brandon prior. The rumor is Brandon pushed him into the road.”

A low whimper escapes along with sudden chills. I shake my head. “No…he wouldn’t do that.”

Shifting to the other leg, Rajid drags his hand through his hair and huffs. “Kayla, I told you. Brandon is a loose cannon. He’s severely harmed others before.”

In disbelief, I peer around, noticing the watchful gazes and hushed voices. So that’s why people have been staring at me since I arrived.

I glimpse Sam coming down the hallway. She spots Rajid with me and stalls, a frown on her usually vibrant face.

The whispers heighten.

Twisting, I realize why.

The traffic parts at Brandon’s approach, but everyone’s still staring. He creases his forehead and glares in annoyance.

Slamming my locker shut, I march up to him and ask, “Where were you last night?”

Brandon arches his brows. “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your text, but cheating isn’t the reason.”

“Stop,” I sputter. “Did you see Heath last night?”
