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The humiliation and abandonment blend into dreadful pandemonium, weighing heavily on my body. Perhaps I’ll never be able to get close to someone. Maybe the idea of Kayla was just a sweet fantasy.

My restraints have unraveled. The safest thing to do right now is to stay away from everyone.

But adrenaline is high, and the longer I sit here, it’s as if the walls are closing in on me.

I need to go for a run, exhaust my body.

Without changing out of my jeans and t-shirt, I jog from the guest house toward the gates, then sprint down the street.

I run until the town comes into view.

My lungs are fighting for air, and my legs are tired.

Muscles close to popping.

Slowing down, I arch over and try to steady my sprinting heart.

It’s like a dark shadow is lurking close by. But that could just be the madness inside, still clawing to overcome me.

I’m about to head back home when a familiar voice bellows from the park across the street. “Well, look who it is.”

I slant with my fists clenched. “You don’t want to piss me off right now.”

Heath spews mocking laughter that echos in the night, startling passersby. He seems drunk.

I receive confirmation as he starts over in shaky steps. “You fucker. Because of you, I had to sit out a game.”

“I missed the part where I’m supposed to care.”

Growling, Heath marches up to me on the sidewalk. Alcohol permeates his breath as he seethes, “I’m going to make you pay for that surprise hit, Decker.”

My heart picks up speed.

The beast wants him to grab me. To attack, unleash my pent up rage.

But Kayla enters my mind. It’d upset her if I hurt another person severely. I saw how frightened she was when I shoved Heath, no matter how she tried to act tough. If anything else happens, she’ll probably hate me.

That softens the tension.

My control falls back into place.

I unclench my fists and shuffle from Heath.

“Call a friend, Turner. Go home.”

“Fuck you, freak.” He rakes his hand through his hair. He can barely inch forward, pointing at me. “We’re going to finish what you started.”

Ignoring him, I spin and jog back in the direction of home.

“Decker!” Heath hollers. “Are you a pussy?”

Though it’s a battle, I focus on Kayla and block out his slurred insults until his voice is in the distance.

A dark sensation trickles down my spine at the same time that a black car passes me.

I fight off the uneasy feeling and the revving of an engine, increasing my steps to the gates.

Like a zombie, I drag myself to the room in the guest house, lower to the spot by the bed where I was before, and use Kayla’s colorful artwork as an anchor to keep my body from falling apart.
